ATTN: Crash

Started by scooterdude, January 29, 2003, 06:57:33 AM

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I finally got the pic of the Jackpiner with finished tank and panels on my site if you want to check it out. Look under Sold Bikes.


crash carden

Howdy Scooterdude, nice website! Your right that Jackpiner looks great, as all of your bikes look very nice!I'll spread the word to my vintage bike friends about your website.Thanks for the peek at your Jackpiner,that gives me an idea what mine will look like when finished.I can't wait!Thanks again Crash email [email protected]


crash carden

Oh Scooterdude one more queston.Are those new alloy fenders, if so do you know were I can buy a set? NOS or correct remakes or good used set. Thanks Crash.



I got real lucky when I found that slightly abused stray puppy. It had the original fenders,tool bag,strap,brace,and light kit that was shown in the owners manual( enduro kit ). I've dealt with a guy on ebay who sells Viking Motors stuff and he has fenders that are real close, curled on end but not correct angle, closer to the old Huskys. I've got more sold bikes to list on my site but I've got to wait for my 6 year old to finish showing me how to do it. Pretty pathetic huh?