POG meeting at the AMA Museum

Started by Paul Danik, February 02, 2003, 07:51:02 PM

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Paul Danik

Just a reminder about the "Penton Day At The AMA" meeting this Sat. Feb. 8. Coffee and lies start at 9am.  Meeting starts at 10, lots of great topics and speakers.  Check out the agenda on the POG homepage. We have a full days activities planned. I was at the museum about a week ago to go over some details for our meeting and they were working on the new exhibit.  It features Harley Davidson and looks to be a real winner, we should be the first group to see the completed exhibit.  Bring a bike if you can, they have a covered garage area that we can make into a Penton parking lot for the day.  Barn fresh or perfect restoration, all are welcome. Hope to see ya there.


Doug Wilford

What a great way to meet a lot of these names you see on this site and learn some tricks and get ideas.   This is POGs biggest event of Winter 2003.   Don't miss out, see y'all there.


Doug Wilford

Needed to move this topic back to the first position so all you Pentonians will be able to see what is happening.   This coming Saturday is the day, see y'all there.



We have the Jeep gassed up and ready to go.Really looking forword to this Sat.        Drive safe and see ya there.       Bill Hanks