Value of Penton

Started by Pete Cornish, March 30, 2003, 08:25:00 PM

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Pete Cornish

I have a 1976 Penton-KTM 125 that has only about four hours on it.( saved as an antique)  The bike was stolen and then recovered, with some damage. I now need to prove to the court that the bike was valuable. I geussed that it is worth more than $2000.00.  Please help to document the value from reported sales on ebay or other places.  I also had two other antique Pentons stolen that were not recovered. Please help me to put the thieves in jail. The value of the theft detirmines whether it it a misdemeanor of a felony........I think that I just posted this request a second tine,,,sorry, but I am still learning to use the Forum.

Pete Cornish

Edited by - Pete Cornish on 03/30/2003  8:43:07 PM
Pete Cornish


I raced a 76 125 penton and I wish you Luck on busting the guys who stole yours!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Give me a call or send me an email I am an acredited ASA Personal Property appraiser and can help you out with an appraisal that will hold up in court. I urge all of you to get your collections appraised by an acredited  personal property apraiser ( ASA or AAA).  I just had a bunch of kids casing my collection and a failed attempt at stealing a couple of my bikes. I ran outside with my gun and they quickly left. If I had not been home it would have been bad news.  I live in a rural area and dirt bike and ATV thefts are the most common crime in this area. The local law  guys  changed thier tune when I told them how much the bikes were worth ( It was over $10,000) Please take photo's of your stuff and have the serial numbers. Most folks do not have photos or insurance on thier stuff. I guy called me a few months ago and had a 66 Jag XKE and a 58 Porsche spider stolen. No decent photos and no insurance ( The cars were in storage) he was out about $120,000. This stuff does happen. my phone is 912-462-8947


Mike OReilly

Check with Kurt Flachbart ([email protected]). He recently sold a 76/77 vintage MC125 on Ebay and got a very good buck for it. He should be able to assist you in documenting the value of that bike.
Good Luck,


Lew Mayer

Thanks to desmond197 for some good info. I have three old ones in the garage that are probably more valuable than I realize. It would ruin my day to have them pinched.

Lewis A Mayer
Lew Mayer