TVRC Race Sunday???

Started by Russ B, April 07, 2003, 10:08:03 PM

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Russ B

Anyone going to the North 40 on Sunday? I'm going to ride my 420 in it's first vintage MX race. I got the bike from my Dad in '80 or '81. He never rode it much, and I only used it for trails for a year or two. Geez i hope I don't blow it up!!!



We will be there Russ. Glad to hear that you will be joining in the fun. North Forty is a vintage friendly track if you have not been there. Looking forward to meeting you. Walt


Russ B

Walt, I'm pretty familiar with N40...been helping the owner with the track for a couple of years. Last race (modern) i prepped and ran the water truck. The first couple of seasons it was open I did the start/finsh flags. Sad part about it is the only laps I've ridden on the MX track have been on my ATK dirttracker! The track is in really good shape this season. Some of the problem areas have been fixed, and it should be a great race. We're hoping for a good turnout.


chris richardson

No rain forecasted. Maybe very dry???

They'll need to lay down some aqua!