Tom Brosius

Started by tlanders, April 08, 2003, 10:14:05 AM

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Emails that I send to you at [email protected] keep getting returned. What is a good email address that I can use?




Wow, was wondering why I hadn't heard from you, I have been rcvng emails from just about everyone else, I don't have a "challenge" type virus scanner....cell 303-9612560......(have no other email address)

Thomas Brosius


Are you sending via the email window from the POG site or composing new mail from an email s/ware ie: Outlook Express, Eudora Light, AOL, others...maybe POG not transferring the ORB to my ISP....

Thomas Brosius


Actually I was just hitting the "Reply" button after reading your emails in Outlook. I wanted to send you a check today, I was gone all last week. The pictures looked great but I was confused as to what the final price was. We had said $60 for painted panels but then you said the black border was extra after I asked you to do it. You did get that email didn't you? Anyway, tell me what I owe and it'll go today.




Tom, I'll try sending you an email from the POG site. Teddy



Ted I said $65 total would be fine, I ran out of striping tape during yours etc... If you want, I will run to USPS today for P1 shipping,(xtra $) did you have a race this w/e????....

Thomas Brosius