steerer tube removal from lower tree

Started by hrbay, April 19, 2003, 11:44:49 PM

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I am doing a swap, need to reuse a lower race, but can't bring myself to wreck a perfectly good fork tree in the process. Is there a method that works or should it be done by a mach shop. Thanks, George


Doug Wilford

George, sounds like you had better take it to a machine shop.   All these pieces were put together in some sequence.   Why would you want to break something to get them apart?


Mike Lenz

Are you just trying to remove a lower steering race? If so the holder will usually come off with a couple large screwdrivers prying side to side. The holders are not pressed on very tight. Just did two of them today.



Thanks for your time guys, I think I was a little vague with my problem, sorry. I am trying to remove the cone(bottom race of the lower brg assembly) from the tube which is pressed ?? into the lower fork yoke. There is no way to get at this race without moving the  tube/yoke joint. The tube has withstood 12t without budging and was just wondering if anyone had ever done this and if so how?/ Thnx gc


john durrill

 use Mikes suggestion. tap two screwdrivers under opposite sides of the race. it will walk the race off the section of the tube that holds it in place.
John D.


Mike Lenz

Yes the race HOLDER is a seperate item from the tube.



Thanks guys, I slid two putty knives under race and got the thing loose just as you all said it would,... saved this old set of ceriani's an undeserved fate, this is a great group.