im not to proud to say i accidentily lost a

Started by mosesnra, April 25, 2003, 09:55:23 PM

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rod bearing in a 6 cyl ford 300 i was rebuilding. we put in the engine and fired her up bap bap bap. pull it down in the van yes a van. and find a missing bearing on the upper rod . so i replaced it and plastiguaged it. put it back together and guess what bam bam bam.... pulled it apart again figured the rod was egg shaped. pull the rod and piston miked it out showed to be a lil out of round. while pressing the wrist pin out i bust the new piston. buy a new one
put it in all back together fire it up and bam bam bam.... guess what frigging sunken hydraulic lifters on the same cylinder all along....... duh and to beat all while laying there the radiator just happens to pop a whole and leak on my face and then murphy steps up to bat again and the power steering return hose starts dripping on me too. anyway have a good sunday ride ........

dean    [email protected]
dean    [email protected]


Hey Dean, It is time to sell that Ford and buy you a CHEVY!!       There is always a smart &*^ around when you don't need one huh?

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


i only got 200.00 in the van headaches i can handle.......

dean    [email protected]
dean    [email protected]


Dean, You sure can't loose on a deal like that! I hope you know I was just ribbing you!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler