camel back review

Started by rhermes, May 26, 2003, 10:46:45 PM

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I just wanted to post a quick review of the CC event in W VA. The
track staff were very nice and hard working. They worked very hard
and prepared a good course. This being their first event in AHRMA
CC , I'm not sure they Knew what to expect. The track was mainly
three things, Steep uphill, Steep(scary) downhill, and Cross hillside
(greasy). The Camelback crew did a good job and deserve another CC
next year. After talking with the crew I belive next years track
will be beter. As for me, I need to start training or quit. Tom
Belemy and Shepard were flying on their YZ's. I was sucking Air bad
by lap Two. Time to train, Rh



Lew Mayer

What did you ride? I was in the fourth wave riding the Jackpiner. Tough downhills,huh? I won the over 50 class, but then you gotta show up and race to win, right.

Lewis A Mayer
Lew Mayer


I finished third post vintage intermed. also on a piner. I fell on the third lap and rode to finish after that. The bad thing about the downhills was the fact that they got harder to stop as the day went on. I had fun but almost wish I would of rode my Mint.Rh