Straight cut primary gears for a Sachs

Started by john durrill, June 02, 2003, 08:57:02 AM

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john durrill

 Martijn has a set or two not spoken for.
they are $250 Euro plus shipping. we ( some POG members) have 5 sets about to be shipped to the US. If you want a  set check his Web store and contact him.

John D.

john durrill

 Did you want aset of the straight cut gears? Martijn is packing our box for shipment now. you could have them shipped with ours .
John D.

john durrill

 The gear sets have shipped.
Will let you know when they arive.
John D.


John D,
I ordered the gears from Matijn about three weeks ago.  He recently sent me an email indicating that he was delaying shipping because the gears didn't fit SACHs with oil pumps.  He said he would ship imediately as soon as I confirmed my engine didn't have an oiling system.  I sent him an email indicating no pump on my engine and I presume he will ship my gears imediately.  Have you heard anything about this?


Gary W. Pendergrass
Gary W. Pendergrass

john durrill

 If you have a cranshaft that has a slot cut on the primary gear side, has no threads back about 3/8 of an inch from the end, then the gear set will not work.  The slot was used to drive an oil pump.
Send me an e-mail if you like and i can go through fitting the gear sets. We are doing that to my engine now.
John D.