Started by penton117, July 03, 2003, 10:32:19 AM

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Hi Guys,

Any help here sure would be appreciated. My 1973 125 Six-Day had an ignition go bad last weekend. I checked it out, replaced the Motoplat diode and reinstalled it. It checks out electrically now, and I get spark. I have reset the timing to 3mm, but cannot get it to start. Plugs are getting oil fouled. Any ideas on how to "empty" out a loaded up engine. HELP! I want to go race...


john durrill

 Put a new plug in.
turn the gas on and fill the float bowl. turn the gas off. get a friend to help you . put the bike in second, start pushing, as you drop the clutch land on the seat with your bottom and have the friend keep pushing. you should have the throttle wide open. it should fire off in a short distance. keep the throttle wide open till the motor cleans out.
 this always worked for me on a bike that was really loaded up.


Mike Lenz

You can also ground the plug wire to the engine with allagator clips and push the bike without a plug in it. It will spray most the excess gas out.