
Started by Rocket, July 20, 2003, 08:26:28 PM

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Got back from Mid-Ohio and I just want to say thanks for the hospitality at the POG tent.  I met a lot of nice people that I have talked to via the internet.  Thanks goes to Kip for the breakfast every morning and to his cook Forrest, thanks to Al, Dale, Ted and Connie for the noon and evening meals provided.  If I missed anybody I appoligize.  I never expected any of that.  What a great bunch of people and they love Penton's too!!
CU all next year,
Rod Gorzny (Rocket)


Kip Kern

I also wish to thank everyone involved with the POG at VMD, especially the staff for such a great weekend.  Time flew by too fast for me!  You couldn't beat the weather and all of the really nice Pentons on display at the POG tent.  I couldn't believe the swap meet this year, "huge" doesn't properly describe the size of the event.  It was really great to place more faces with email accounts, Again thanks to all for a great weekend!



Thanks to everyone for their help at Mid_Ohio.  A special thanks to Kip Kern for the help in Parking to help me with my situation and for making his booth as a gathering point for the visitors as well as POG members.  Thanks to Al, Dale, Connie and Ted for the meals.  I have been in and still are in many clubs and hobby interest groups but none of them come close this organization - Its just the people.  Thanks Ron Carbaugh

Ron Carbaugh

Lew Mayer

Also gotta put my two cents in about Mid-Ohio. It was great to put some faces with names out there. Met some real good people. Thanks to those who helped in my quest for info on PVL numbers. If it works, it was the best deal there. Sorry I missed the POG meeting. With the trials and working on bikes and all, there just aren't enough hours in the day out there. Hope to meet more of you guys next year.

Lewis A Mayer
Lew Mayer

Larry Perkins

I had a great time at VMD and it was great seeing all the faces I have missed seeing for the last year and a half since I quit the racing thing. Also always super to see those I have e-mailed with and talked on the phone with.  It is great when you finally say, "That's what they look like".

I was again in heaven in the swapmeet and loved seeing all the family at the POG tent.  Too many people there to thank, but if the government worked as hard and as team minded we would all be better off.

I ate too much.  

I hope no one hates me too much but the two bikes I had going at the time were my 100cc Berkshire and a 125 Husky.  I raced the Husky.  Sorry I cheated on you Pentonia but I guess we all stray from time to time.

Special thanks to Ron Carbaugh who always has a sincere way of making one feel special.  For those that do not know Ron was very involved in the MX racing end of Pentons in Texas in "The Day".  Realize Texas was not just any state as far as MX goes then.  This was a day when any Sunday of racing could see Steve Stackable, Kent Howerton, Wyman Priddy, Steve Wise, as well as many more fast guys you might not know like the Kassons, Jack Hicks, and Jackie O'Leary.  Ron was a good mentor to many people in his years of motorcycling especially to young people racing motorcycles.  I grew up in Central Texas in those early 70's days and I knew of Ron but did not know him then.  He is the kind of person that would have been a good influence on me when I was young.  I could have dodged some trouble maybe?  I am proud to know him now.  Anyway, he is a great guy like so many in our family.  Thanks.

Of course I loved the races and was in dreamland racing at the show again.  I ended up second in my class leading both motos at the hole shot but eventually losing the battle to the reigning National Champ of the class.  I was plenty stoked but sure wish I had not made the same error both motos in the same place to lose the lead half way through.  

Man, if you were not there you missed some great races.  Where else can you see Brad Lackey and Jim Pomeroy mix it up?  And you have not lived till you see Kevin Brown do SIX races.  Yes boys and girls TWELVE motos all aboard Pentons.  As the day wore on I was amazed at the fact that his pace remained at ULTRA HIGH and he scored VERY well in all classes even though it appeared he had a price on his head.  He was jostled, bumped, and at least once totally put down by other riders.  To a certain extint that is motocross in the heat of the battle but this was more.  Hats off to a great sportsman-KEVIN BROWN.  Also congrats to all the Penton racers.

Speaking of racers we had several members injured in the days racing.  As always there were others injured in the weekend too as well as the tragedy of a road racer being killed.  Prayers to them and their families.

If you were at VMD you know all the fun to be had if not Go-Go.  I'll do my best to see you there.


Mark Annan

I didn't make it to VMD this year :-((

I heard a rumor of a special limited edition shirt for the Reunion Ride?  Any info??

Thanks for the reports.




I also want to thank everyone at the POG Tent for all of the help and info they gave me. I was able to buy evrything I needed to get my '76 GS6 ready for the Reliability Run at the Ohio Valley BSA Rallt in August. The bikes first time to have fun in many years. Hope to see some of you there.

John Agostinelli


scott brogan

Mark Yes there is a limited edition shirt for the 30 year anniversary of the 48th ISDT. They will will be avalible soon on this web site. They look great.


crash carden

Hello everyone, this was my first year at Mid Ohio,wow what an event.I would like to thank all the fine people at the POG tent for making me feel so welcome. I am now an offical POG member. It was nice to meet a lot of the POG members.A big thanks to Al & Dale Breuner, Ted & Connie Del solar, and anyone else who helped,for the supper before the POG meeting, it was very good.Of course the highlight for me was to meet "THE MAN" John Penton, what a great guy.It was a dream come true.Of course I also had the pleasure of meeting Al Born, what a cool dude.Also I got to meet Kip Kern, and Bob Wardlow, nice people as well, to name a few!Next year I plan on bringing my bikes,a "73" Jackpiner, and a "73" 250 Harescrambler. Both bikes have been completely restored.I have been a big Penton fan since I bought my "73" Jackpiner in the spring of "73". That Bike has remained my favorite bike, even though I have owned and raced Ossa's ,Husky's ,Maico's,etc., their's just nothing like a Penton.The swap meet its self was unreal, and I had a BLAST! POG is a fine group of people and I am proud to be a member.I am looking forward to more good times with the POG group and fellow Penton fans. Thanks again and MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL, and of course all those who were injured are in my Prayers. Thanks again what a cool group of people! Crash Carden TEAM PENTON!