How many Woodsmen bikes produced?

Started by desmond197, August 17, 2003, 09:46:19 PM

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I got a Penton Woodsman at Mid Ohio this year and I am finishing up the restoration on the bike. It is the Wassell trials bike with a 152 kit, Husky 125 pipe, Falk fenders, Penton 125 seat, Frame loop cut and rewelded up. This bike also came with a large Lyta enduro tank similar in shape to the watermelon enduro tank. iron barrel Sachs motor, orange painted side panel with the 10 year sticker on it. Does any one know how many of these bikes were made?
Does any one out there have a Woodsman with a similar configuration?


Doug Wilford

Not a lot were made, but how many?    Maybe Dane or Jack or Carl Cranke could answer that one.


Mike OReilly

Actually, when he is finished poking fun at Al Buehner, Paul Danik should be a good source of info. on the Wassell trials and the Woodsman.
Also, I know that you guys in Ohio always figured that the world revolved around the Cleveland area. In the case of the power outage, it would appear that for once, that was actually the case!
Sorry, couldn't resist.


Paul Danik

   Enough Woodsmans were made that a piece of sales literature was also produced. Your machine varies from the "norm" for the Woodsman because of the large enduro tank. All of the ones that I have seen have the trials tank that is partially painted orange. Other than that your machine sounds like a normal Woodsman.  My guess is that between 50 and 75 were produced. I believe that Joe Barker drew the short straw and was put to work creating the Woodsman machines from leftover trials bikes, Husky pipes and other assorted pieces.  Joe should be at the ISDT reunion ride and I will try to talk to him and get some more facts for you.



I will be at the ISDT reunion and may bring the bike if it is finished. I was going to bring my Monark but I just blew up the motor in it. The bike with the large tank on it looks a lot better than the small tank with the big seat. It has a more intergrated look to it.



I just bought a Woodsman from Donny Smith in CA. I think he told me around 60 were made. Mine has about 2 miles on it and looks like new. I sure would like to find the sales literature on it. If anyone has it please email me. Thanks [email protected]

Terry Laible
Terry Laible

rob w

I saw a Penton "Woodsman" last fall up on a display shelf at a KTM dealership in Sullivan, Missouri. I was just passing through at the time. He said it was'nt for sale.



I've been by the KTM Dealership in Sullivan MO. several times, next time I'm stopping. Thanks Bob. Were there any magazine articles on the Woodsman, I just found the Dirt Bike Magazine on the Penton Trials, wow what a thrashing!, so I will keep it away from my trials, hate to see tears runing down the tank.  Terry
Terry Laible

Paul Danik

I do have the piece of literature for the Woodsman.  It is done on a heavy stock, 8 1/2 x 11 in. pumpkin orange paper with black lettering, printed on both sides.  I just tried to copy it on my copier and it is really dark, wonder why!!!  I will make copies on my copier if all you want is to see what it says, or I can try kinko's for a better copy. If interested email me at [email protected] and put Woodsman as the title of the message.
Paul Danik