125 pipes

Started by Mike Lenz, August 22, 2003, 10:57:28 PM

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Mike Lenz

Are 72-75 125 pipes very hard to come by? I was bidding on ebay on one and its up over 100.00! Anybody got one to sell here [or trade for something?


rob w

Yep, whatever they go for on ebay is now what they're worth these days.
Come on Mike, you're talking ebay. That's not the real world is it?
Does the pipe you want have to have the rear shroud, baffle, and end cap. I don't know what Al's asking for those remade weld-ons, but it might be nicer to go that way if you're looking for a flawless pipe. I have a beautiful pipe but that stuff was cut off back when it was hip.


Dennis D

I know what you mean Rob. I bid 256.00 on the two small Penton headlamps and I wasn't even in the race. They went for 417.00! Dennis D


rob w

Dennis, That's funny, I was thinking of those exact items, and was going to refer to those in my reply, but I did'nt want to hurt anyones feelings. I fell out of my chair when I saw the final bid. By the way ole "Laura" has quite the stash eh?.



Hope your not quitting moto-cross Rob!Mike, E-mail me next week,I have questions/needs for a 125&250 '76 MC-5's.I also might have a pipe for a 125.

Edited by - metalkfab on 08/23/2003  12:50:07 PM

Mike Lenz

Hey thanks for the offers Bob and Carl! I will be getting ahold of you, but I dont think I have your adr Bob. Mine is [email protected]



I talked to the guy at Circle F about having a repro pipe made for my 73 CMF Six Days.  I'm planning to send him my pipe after the MX season is over so he can use it for a jig but these pipes won't have the original shroud, baffle and end cap since my pipe has had these cut off.  His plan is to put a standard Circle F pipe tip on it, which looks similar in that the OD is about the same but the sound will be quite different.  It is concievable that if these parts were available when he set up the jig for the forward portion of the pipe he could build a pipe that these attached to if you provided them when you ordered a pipe from him.  That way whenever someone ordered a pipe from him they could get it with his tip or the original type tip or just with the short stinger attachment outlet on it depending on the use they had in mind.  I was going to go with the Circle F tip design, but have been thinking that a stinger would allow you to get something with a USFS approved design for woods riding in National Forests.

Does anyone have thoughts on this??? (and the floodgates opened)


William R Gahrmann
William R Gahrmann


Al Buehner carries the shroud and exhaust tips for the '72 thru '75 CMF pipes.All you do is weld them on and locate the rear mounting bracket.He carries both styles of exhaust tips.


Maybe I wasn't clear in my original post.  

I am sending my pipe to Circle F so that he can make a jig to build complete new pipes for the CMF framed 125s.  His plan is to use his tip which carries the diameter of the pipe through to the end so it looks "similar", but you could concievably get him to weld on a tip and shroud from Al B so that you would have a more original exhaust.  This would then become a stock item for Circle F, whenever someone wanted a new pipe all you'd have to do is call and get your new pipe in the mail a week later!  His pipes generally run about $135-150.  I had a downpipe he made on a 76 CR125 Elsinore and it was great until I CRASHED and bent it, even then it was easy to straighten.

William R Gahrmann
William R Gahrmann


William, it sounds like you've got some "pull" with Circle F.  Maybe somebody who has a downpipe could have him replicate that, also, and have it become a stock item.

Keep us posted as things progress.



Mike Lenz

Glen, I have a down pipe. Not sure if its for a 72 or steel tanker. If I find out I will let you know.



  I'm sure if you have your pipes built, they will come.  Even though I have a pipe for my 74 Six Day (and a 72 also), I would probably seriously consider a NEW one.  What I really want is a 76 MC5 250 pipe but, that's another story.

  Mike Husted (rd400pi)
  72/74 Six Days and 76 MC5 250
  (also a 72 OSSA Pioneer now, sorry guys)



Mike could you send me your e-mail address at [email protected]  Thanks

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks, Mike.  I'd appreciate it.  




I don't have "pull" with anyone, quite the opposite - he is going to charge me a significant amount for the first pipe, after that they become relatively inexpensive for the next guy since I pay for all the set-up cost.  But I talked to him on the phone and he has apparently seen enough interest that he is willing to set up a jig for Penton pipes, I just happen to have a pipe, frame and a dummy motor I'm willing to ship down there to get it started.  I looked at buying a used one for my 125MX back-up bike and figured it was worth it to suck it up and get a new one made even though it will cost me significantly more than waiting for a used one to come along.

If anyone else is looking for 125 up-pipes let me know, maybe if we all put in an order together we can get a deal.  Or at least he won't kill me on the bill for a one-off pipe.  I'm currently planning on sending my bits around mid-end Sept. to get him started. He said it will probably take a month or so before I see a finished product.


William R Gahrmann
William R Gahrmann