Muffler mounts for vintage Penton and the like.

Started by IYA0YAS, March 06, 2001, 01:26:11 PM

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I'm in the process of designing replacement muffler mounts.  These sandwich mounts will have the same geometry profile and attachment spec's as the OEM parts.
These mounts will be designed to within +/- 10% of the original shear and compression stiffness as well as improved thermal properties which reduce elastomer set and bond failure when subjected to random shock loads at elevated temperatures.  

I've spoken with Al Buehner regarding this issue, since he has been the primary source of NOS parts for my Penton.
I believe I'm in a unique position to help Penton owners(and others) source these essential components which were designed specifically for this off-highway application.

I'm asking for some feedback as to the percieved demand of such a part.  

Your feedback is appreciated.

Edited by - IYA0YAS on 03/06/2001  10:51:06 PM

Edited by - IYA0YAS on 03/06/2001  10:56:22 PM


It sounds like a large and expensive undertaking, givin the small quantities involved. I have always sourced parts through Lord or similar vibration damping mount manufacturer. Most even have designs with metric studs/threaded holes as needed.