isdt reunion ride

Started by steve erickson, September 01, 2003, 11:44:55 AM

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steve erickson

I thought registering on your forum would be a good chance for me to welcome in advance everybody to the 2003 ISDT Reunion Ride.I can't believe it's 1 month away!!
I'm really blown away at how big this things turning out and the enthusiasm of everybody-thanks!!! I hope you all will enjoy your weekend in the Berkshires.
Steve Erickson-Trail Boss,ISDTRR
Pathfinders M/C


Paul Danik

   Let me take this chance to thank you and all of the gentlemen, and ladies, that are working so hard to put this event on. This event has been the "HOT" topic for a long time, lots of great memories from the "73" ISDT are coming back.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Paul Danik

PS  Thanks in advance for removing ALL of the rocks from the trails!!!!!!!


Doug Wilford

Steve;  Like Paul, I would also like to thank you, and your helpers for all their time and efforts.   The Bershires have always had great events and been a great place to ride,it does hold lots of spectacular memories.  Held with such high regard is the Berkshires the reason why when putting names on Penton models after the 125cc Six Day, was the 100cc Berkshire in order of importance then the 175cc Jackpiner etc. etc   Looking forward to meeting you and all the Pathfinders.    Sincerely, Doug Wilford


steve erickson

Remove rocks??What rocks!? There's a couple of sadists(not in my club)that wanted me to put you folks through a hell hole called Old Florida Rd.(Yuk-talk about rocks)It had me sucking wind on my modern bike!!I was told it was a section used in 73 but they say it was alot better back then.
Any questions you folks might have,feel free to e-mail me or post! :)


Doug Wilford

Steve that was one of Al Ames favorite roads?  It did slow things down sneaky like.  I have a picture I am sure was taken on the Old Florida Road and I was passing a guy in one of the two tracks and he was almost up to his tank in muck and I was in the center about a foot deep.  Berkshire days, like 1970?


Mark Annan

Any water crossings planned?  (I'd like to have some).  The last two years in Mo. there weren't any.  But we sure had some mud last year.  From what I gather from other sources the course this year will be a dual sport kind of course compared to the previous two years.  It will have more two track and forest roads.  Correct?  Really looking forward to this.  Thanks in advance for all the Pathfinders have done to host this event.



steve erickson

The course is forest road and two track,the trails are alot wider than last year in MO.
Water crossings-there are some spots on some trails that have standing water(depth depends on rainfall)but no streams.We have 2 special tests that were on the 73 ISDT (day 1 and 2).Sunday's loop has more tar than I hoped for,but can't be avoided.
I think we accomplished what Dick Mann wanted-nobody should lose route points unless they break down!!!


steve erickson

Doug-The picture could be Florida Rd.,but its no longer mud!Erosion and 4x4 trucks have turned into wall to wall bowling ball size rocks,plus halfway down there is some ledge that's nasty if not dangerous.The rock crawler trucks consider it challenging!!


Doug Wilford

I guess you call it progress but you could see it coming with the 4 wheelers.   Even in the 70's some of the better sections of trails would get eat out and nasty from 4 wheeler use. At least the road is still there.   See ya soon.


steve erickson

If you can pass this on to all attending.The Cheshire Vol FD will be having a BBQ on Friday nite.No need to go into town for food.Stay right there and meet everybody!!!!


Dwight Rudder

Steve, What numbering system are you going to use? I have been in the Classic class and will be again this year. Last couple years I was #802 and was wondering if we are changing the system or can I keep my numbers on my bike. We also need to see what the rules are. We can post them here and on the Vinduro and sites and the site.

Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
7 time National Enduro Class Champion.

Mark Annan

Steve posted the following on the Vinduro site.  I thought I would pass it along.


First I'd like to thank everybody in advance for making this reunion
ride a big success.When I started putting this together I was
concerned about getting less than 100 people to come!Boy was I wrong!
The next thing I want to address is bike registration-folks you
gotta carry your paperwork with you!!!On this Sunday's preride I saw
3 branches of Mass law inforcement(State,local,and environmental
police).The local gov't knows what's going on that weekend and I
have told them that ALL bikes are registered.If you get stopped and
don't have papers on you,your day/weekend may be over,and I don't
want them coming back to me with complaints.We are going to check
the following:headlight&taillight on bike,a quiet muffler(we are
going by people's homes),and a VALID LICENSE PLATE/STICKER!!!
I'm sure you'll like what we put together and it's going to be a
memorable event for everybody.Look forward to meeting everybody in

Steve Erickson-Trail Boss


Mike OReilly

Further to Dwight's request in regard to the rules: do we need an odometer, and do we need a route sheet holder; or will we be running FIM rules and following the arrows? Finally, not to nit pick, if we show up with a bike that is quiet, licenced, insured and working head and tail lights, will we get grief in regard to brake lights? (A detail perhaps, but historically always an annoyance on dirt bikes - and I for one don't have a brake light).
Thanks for your attention to this.


steve erickson

We're not going to check if you have a brake light.
The course will be arrowed and we will issue route sheets.You can probably get away with just following arrows,but a odo and route sheet holder would come in handy should a course arrow get"removed" for some reason.We are posting mileages along the way,like enduros too.


steve erickson

Dwight,the numbering is setup this way:
modern 6 day  100-199
post vintage  200-299
post vintage 50+ 300-399
post vintage 50+&60+ 400-499
sptsmn 201cc+ 500-599
sptsmn 0-200cc 600-699
vintage 50+ 700-799
vintage 50+&60+ 800-899
classic 900-999
premium 1000-up