Started by Jeff D, October 07, 2003, 09:18:39 PM

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Jeff D

I will be re-ordering 7th ISDT Reunion Ride ballcaps.  Available colors will be navy blue, black, tan and....WHITE, just like Marie Eames and Bugs had on!
Cost to your door is $15.  I will wait a couple of weeks before ordering.  Contact me at [email protected].

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Paul Danik

  As usual, GREAT job on the hats.  If you weren't there to get one they are really nice and the $$ goes to a great cause.  Those hats and the POG shirts both ran out at the event.




Great job on the hats and on EVERYTHING you did to make the ISDTRR as great as it was. You did such a great job announcing the awards. You kept everyone's interest when most of us wanted to go to sleep after riding 64 miles in the rain and mud and rocks!!! Your article in the event program was top notch also. We are all fortunate to have you helping this event be what it is. PS. Rosemary and I would like to order another hat. Thanks,
