Pentons Win at ISDTRR

Started by tlanders, October 09, 2003, 12:36:57 PM

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Before the race the Ossa camp was bragging that they had more entries than Penton. I just recieved the results of the event and unfortunately some of the riders didn't indicate what bikes they were riding, so the following information will not be completely accurate. Please post any errors/additions to this information.

Bikes entered: Ossas = 28, Pentons = 24, KTMs = 20. Winning metals: Ossas = 10 (5G, 2S, 3B), Pentons = 14, KTMs = 14.

Penton Gold metalists:
Mike O'Rielly
Jeff Penton
Steven Bronsveld
Frank Wortman
Teddy Landers
Bob Andershon
Ted DelSolar

Penton Silver metalists:
David Vandecar
Karl Schneider
John Borer
Paul Lussier

Penton Bronze metalists:
Bob Wardlow
Mark Annan
Kip Kern

KTM Gold medalists:
Dick Burleson
Jack Penton

KTM Silver medalists:
Dan Schuler
Steve Vanesse
Bob Popiel
Joe Barker (Bike type was TM?)
Al Zitta
Tom Penton
Greg Davis
John Manford

KTM Bronze medalists:
Gary Richards
Harry Hopes
Malcolm Smith
Rik Smits

The following guys did not have their bike name listed:

Jeff Fisher
Carl Cranke
Bill Berroth
Billy Uhl
Fred Cameron
Jim Hollander
Gary Edmond
Adrian Moss
Jeff Hammond
Mark Hyde
Dave Eames
Vern Pacholke
Christian Smith
Peter Brey
A Rampton
Ron Ribolzi
Charlie Vincent
Bob Coy
Ken McQuire Jr

Does anyone know if there are any Penton/KTM riders in this group?

There were 227 entries, 103 did not finish, so the percentage that did finish was 55%. This proves that it was easier than the Berkshire Trials of past where typically less than 25% finished. I know for sure that in the 1971 Berkshire International 2 Day Trial only 23 finished out of 129 entries in the 125cc class, so less than 18% finished.

The next ISDE will be in Brazil starting November 3. National Enduro champ and KTM rider Mike Lafferty is on the USA trophy team. I'm sure we will see the daily results on the prime time news channels!!!!

I wish we could have two or three 2 day vintage ISDT style enduro rides a year.




Ted,Thanks for posting results.I'm sorry to see such a low finishing percentage as this was supposed to be a ride with the special test determining finishes.I was really stoked to ride on trails and roads with the likes of Malcolm Smith,Carl Cranke,the Penton Boys,Paul Danik,Doug Wilford and others.To hear and see some of my heros drop out was disheartening,as I would have loved to catch some trail time with them.Hopefully,future Reunion Rides might not take such a toll on our bikes and bodies and we can visit (on the trails)with our heros.

Kip Kern

Ted,  When I left Sunday evening around 6pm, Mark Annan had a Gold and I had a Silver.  Wonder if the "tossed" special test bumped us down?



It must have then. That's disappointing. I know the thrown out special test changed my total for the worse, but fortunately didn't change the metal. Both Ron Sutton and the Pathfinders will be posting the results on the web at the Vinduro and Pathfinders sites respectively. I asked Vern to send me a copy so that I could do a report of the Penton results. I knew the Pentons would beat the Ossas!!!!!



Kip, looking at the numbers, John Stout who came in first in your class had 2535.4 points. Mark came in second with 3615.72 and you came in third with 3790.8. Probably John did really badly in the test they threw out so that before they threw it out, Mark was within 10% of John and on gold with you close behind.


Kip Kern

Thanks for the info Teddy, I guess I'll try harder next year!



I attended ISDTRR on Saturday and worked a check with my club, the Berkshire Trailriders. I had brought my 73 Sixdays, with the thought of selling it. After seeing everyone riding and having so much fun, I became re-enthused. I'm going to try to ride a few of these events with my Penton in the future. I love this site and especially the forum. Thanks to Mr. Buehner for telling me about this site. I've already added this address to my favorites, and will be checking in as much as I can.

Lord, please let me be more like the person my dog thinks I am.
72 Six-Days


Congratulations to all Poggers who participated in the Reunion Ride and keeping the marque alive!!

Was any motorcycling press on hand to cover this event, like Dirt Bike or Dirt Rider, or even the AMA?  

Nice job, guys.




Congratulations Ted on your Gold medal. I was ridding on your minute with you and Jefff Debell. You were doing great over the tough stuff. Very impressive riding.  I pooped out after the first loop. Ended up being sick with a virus for the next three days. Had the time of my life at the reunion.



Not knowing it was you who was the third guy on my minute is characteristic of the weekend. Too much to do and too many people to visit with and not enough time. It wasn't until Monday morning that Rosemary and I finally made it to Jim Hoellerich's museum. I wish I had gotten to visit with you. I am sorry about the virus, I had the same thing a couple weeks ago.





You don't need to try harder!!! You ran a smart race - steady and consistant and you got a medal. Congratulations!!!!!!!


Kip Kern

Teddy, It sure felt good being on a bike again after an 8 year break.  I was really impressed with Jeff Penton having had a 30 year break, totally amazing!  I will have to try this again next year but will probably run a Jackpiner.  Where is the next ISDTR going to be?



Billy Uhl was on a Kawasaki.  I expressed my surprise at seeing him on a Kow and he explained that someone had loaned him the bike.  Maybe he prefers Kawasaki, but maybe no one offered to loan him a Penton -- or at least a KTM. Too bad!  He currently works as a Trail Ranger for the Idaho Dept of Parks and Recreation clearing and maintaining trails (great job or what!!).  Articles say he rides a Honda on the job.



P.S.  I tried to get a photo of every rider... I will see if I can match any of the "unknowns" with a penton ride.


Kip Kern

The official ISDTR results are now on the pathfinders site at //