ISDT 30th Anniversary shirts

Started by scott brogan, November 24, 2003, 12:48:22 AM

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scott brogan

Hello Everyone:DWhat a fantastic event the reunion was.
Exciting to say the least! Now history and alas so are the 30th Anniversary shirts.I have sold out of all sizes except four XXXL's.
These shirts were a limited edition item and our limit is over.
I'm not having any more printed. I would like to thank everyone who bought one or more. The response was more than I could have hoped for. When I took on this project all I wanted to do was contribute in some small way to P.O.G. The results were a little more than small. It was a fun project and I look forward to the next adventure.       I will be donating all money earned to P.O.G.
If anyone can use a XXXL size please let me know[[email protected]]
I think the XXXL would make a very good pajama night shirt for the loving and devoted Pentonite wife!! Again Thanks everyone for your support of The Penton Owners Group


Doug Wilford

A great looking shirt.   Done with skill and caring!  Thanks Scott!!:)

Paul Danik

    You sure did a fine job with the shirt project, much thanks also  to the women behind the man. Any project such as that is hard to do without support from the better half.  I think we will have to slice and deliver her pizza to her on family nite!!! I think many of us are really lucky to have understanding wardens!!  It was neat at the last meeting when Mr. Penton was trying to get one of the last large shirts, you should be very proud.  
Thanks again.
Paul Danik