Swapmeets discontinued.

Started by Paul Danik, December 09, 2003, 08:26:03 PM

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Paul Danik

Will Stoner has just announced that the AMA Board of Directors has decided to discontinue the swapmeets at York, PA,  Mansfield, Ohio and Daytona.  The swapmeet at Vintage Days will be held as usual.


This totaly sucks I got a lot of good bikes at the York meet and some great deals. I got a 66 Greeves MX1, 73 Husky 250, 72 CZ 250, 72 Bultaco Alpina as well as my first Penton 125. What was the reason behind this decision.


I think it's correct that AMA now owns the rights to the Will Stoner events.  So it is now AMA that decides what meet they have or don't have.
DOWNSIDE:  I feel it is sad anytime any motorcycle meet is cancelled.  They are none in Texas except for a few that dealers put on at their dealerships.
Even though I don't attend any of these events due to being so far away I will voice my opinion to AMA.  These are the down side views.

UPSIDE:  Sure makes Mid-Ohio look even better.

Thanks Paul for bring to light to the Group.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern

OK, let's make lemonade out of this.  We bring all of our unwanted Penton goodies to Mid Ohio and have our own swapmeet in the Penton row.  
I have to admit, I have attended the Mansfield meet for the last few years and it has been pretty "dead" as far as attendance and product offered.  The basic reason I went was to socialize with good friends.  
As mentioned earlier, this will "kick up" Mid Ohio and that is good!

Lew Mayer

I personally thinks this stinks as well. I always looked forward to the York events. They were way better than some of the Harley swap meets they have there in the winter. Well you know what they say about squeaky wheels, we can contact the AMA and let them know what we think of these events being cancelled. I would think they might reconsider if enough interest is shown from the membership.

Lewis A Mayer
Lew Mayer


Just to bring this full circle the Daytona event was surrounded by so many other things going on(racing,shows and contests) I can understand why that event was dropped.  Sounds like that Mansfield was dead(per Kip).  So if we need have our voice heard we possibly need some of the people that normally attend the meet draft a good business letter for those of us that want to have our name and AMA numbers attached and send it to the board.  I would be interested to know if the event actually made any money before we went to the trouble.  Any thoughts.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


The York meet which I have been going to for many years was fairly well attended. Of course all the old Norton/ Triumph stuff has dried up. The euro dirt bike stuff is starting to dry up but there was lots of 70's japanese stuff. Maybe the AMA guys figure if the Harley and Triumph stuff is gone who cares about the euro and jap stuff anyway.  Last time I went I guy had several Rickman 125 MX bikes. Good crowds as far as the parking lot seemed full. I drive 900 miles to go to the York show and it is good to see a lot of my friends I have met over the years.
The Daytona shows were pretty weak as there is some stuff in FLA but not much in the south compaired to PA where folks had good jobs in the 1950-1970's. You can put my name on a letter to try and save the York shows

Lew Mayer

I agree with you des197. I actually thought the York meets were expanding since they used two barns for the last couple of years. If they cancel York winter meets and for some reason you can't make Mid-Ohio(God forbid),that kind of dries up where I can look for vintage deals. It didn't hurt that York was about 25 minutes from me. I think they should keep them just as a service to the members. I e-mailed the AMA to confirm the info,(which they did) and then I fired off a response to them expressing my displeasure. You can use my name as well on any letter the POG membership may choose to send.

Lewis A Mayer
Lew Mayer