eBay Bidding Frenzy

Started by Keithuu, January 13, 2004, 02:38:08 PM

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Has anyone been paying attention to eBay item 2453912501? It's a 1974(?)"Motocrosser" which, in about a day a half has attracted 16 bids and is now at about $2600.00.

I'm pretty new to this vintage iron game but this seems inordinately high for this bike, even if it is a Penton.

I've seen some beautifully restored bikes that didn't fetch this much and there's still 5+ days of bidding left.



Mark Annan

I have been watching this auction also.  I think what you are seeing it the higher desirability of a good condition, original, early model machine as compared to a non-original machine (aka restored).  Any machine is only original once.  It can be restored an infinite number of times.

Mark A

Rain Man

2600 bucks seems a litle steep, for something 30 years old.  You only buy it once, a very well used late model MX will cost you that, and a new Katoom, state of the art, best in the world, ad on the  accesories...hold on tight!
  But,taken care of, and maintianed,that motorcycle will last you a life time,and.. you'll probably be the only guy on the block with a 30 y/o almost unobtainable Penton[:p]
 Down East Pentons