York Swap Meet

Started by imported_n/a, April 04, 2001, 07:39:17 PM

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The Penton Owners Group is going to have a booth at the Will Stoner York Swap Meet next Sunday (4/8).  Lee Buffenmyer and myself are going to man the booth.  We will be located next to Al Buehner's booth.  Lee will have a couple of his bikes there that were exhibited in the tent at VMD 2000. If you are in the vicinity next Sunday, stop by and say hi.  We'll also have membership application forms and renewal forms available.

Gary Brinton



Good Evening,  York where?


York, Pennsylvania at the Fairgrounds.


Bob Gilman

Looking forward to meeting fellow POG members. See you there!

Bob Gilman

Gary and Lee did a fine job at the YorK Swap Meet. They were able to sign up some new members with alot of positive PR for POG. They also had some "good Looking" pentons on display.   Thanks Guys