Gear Oil

Started by Lloyd Boland, January 23, 2004, 10:17:39 AM

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Lloyd Boland

I know this topic has been covered before but could not find the previous post.  I have a 1976 MC5, what is the best oil and weight for the gear box oil and how many cc?  Thanks for the expert advice.

Kip Kern

I use Bel Ray Gearsaver, 75w @ 1 1/2 quart.  You can go 2 qt and not hurt anything as the gearbox is not pressurized

Steve Minor

This great topic always spurs great conversation and opinion. One section in my manual says to use 1-1½ qts of Hi-Point gear lube then, in a different section, is says use AFT (automatic trans. fluid). I presently use ATF and change it often.
Steve Minor

Lloyd Boland

Kip and Steve, thanks alot.  Will use Bel Ray this weekend and report.  

I also agree with Tom's "Repetative Motion" post.  There is a great wealth of info on these posts but sometimes it's difficult to find the answers even though you know it's been replied to in the past.  I've bought both of Al's manuals and have the one page foldouts for the MC5 but you guys have so much knowledge and experience that if the information on these pages could be cataloged, I'm sure it would be widely used.  Idealy if there was a database to search the info by subject on this site or a manual with a table of contents.  Just a thought.


  Have you tried the "Search" option on the top right of the page by the LOGIN area?  It will allow you to search for posts about a word or phrase, ie: MC5 Gearbox.  I just tried a search for 520 chain since it has been a topic lately.  It came back with a half dozen or more strings that concern the 520.  The search went through the text for 520 chain and actually highlighted in yellow the words I searched for.  There are options for the search such as "word", "phrase",...Why not try it and look for your favorite subject?  It looks to be an extremely useful function.

Lloyd Boland

Used the "search" option to check out "gearbox oil" and got several old posts discussing this issue.  Boy do I feel stupid.  thanks for the help.