Started by Paul Danik, February 05, 2004, 07:13:16 AM

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Paul Danik

HELP!!!!  We would like to video tape the meeting this Saturday and have not found a person to do it yet.  If you are coming and have a video camera with a tripod and don't mind setting it up we would be very grateful.



If you still need a volunteer... tag... I'll be it...

Paul Danik

   Thank you!!!  Your offer to help is greatly appreciated. Are you flying or driving to the meeting?  



Ronald McDonald has dibbs on the corporate jet this weekend ... so I guess I have been relegated to truckin'.  Besides -- didn't figure Pickerington had an airport... just a pad for the Mars Machine ... and the MM is too busy racking up those miles - trying to win that award for the person traveling the longest distance to the meeting ...


Paul,  Can you tell me approximately how many hours I need to film.  I have HI-8 film ... is that o.k. or would you prefer another format (super 8, I think).  What time is setup?

Paul Danik

   I don't know much about the different formats, I will leave that up to you.    My guess is 5-6 hours of taping should be pretty close.  
     The Museum opens at 9 a.m. tomorrow, but I will be there by 8:30 to start setting up the outside display.

     I am heading that direction in a couple of hours, as of last night there were 13 rooms of us at the Fairfield, breakfast should be interesting!!!  POG pool party tonight :D


We are at the Fairfield and look forward to seeing everyone.  Just hope the pool is indoors...