Guess Who The Rider Is

Started by Admin, March 24, 2004, 09:10:19 PM

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Can you guess the rider and the year on the homepage photo?


Hmm...Lets see.  And the year?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


My guess would be Mike Kidd.

john hardin
john hardin


Well it seems that Administration has appointed a new Sheriff.  Seems people have been getting off too easy on these questions:D.

Great job John.  So just for fun let's see what else we can come up with on this Gunslinger named Kidd.
1.  What year was the photo taken?
2.  What patriotic ties did he have later on in racing.
3.  What state was he from when this picture was taken.
4.  He raced a Penton 125 Six Day early in career(Moto X).  What physical problem did he have to over come in order to race.

Please have fun and try to be kind to the Sheriff.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I'm not sure of the year of the photo, but he was sponsored by the US Army. He also founded arenacross in about 1985 or so. He is from Baja Oklahoma. Not sure of the physical problems, but I do know he was prone to many injurys in his career and most of all, he was very fast!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Still not sure of the year, but I think that he was riding for Kenny R when this photo was taken.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


I think this photo is in the Houston Astrodome, maybe 1980, the year Mike won a podium finish on the Penton KR.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Great Photo !!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


OK - The New Sheriff is getting nervous(been watching too much Andy Griffin late at night).
1.  What brand of bike is this[:p]?
2.  What size engine[?]?
3.  How many were built?
4.  What was the original price?
5.  What was the close out price offered to the dealers?
6.  What was the original color offered besides the non painted version?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


OK, it is a Penton! Kenny R. model

Must be a 250, unless someone modified it.

Not many

Don't have a clue on the prices


Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Rain Man

Hey Ron,  I don't have the answers to your questions, but if you need someone to get that flat tracker sideways for you, Talk to me, I'll make it go sideways!!
 Down East Pentons


You might have to talk with Thomas Carmichael.  But I'm open.  Seems no one believes I should be racing anymore.  Thanks for the offer.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


GREAT JOB to Donny and Rob W on the color.  Remember we are talking Penton so anything was and is possible.  The color(s) were orange and white(what we called ready for paint).
  As people may or may not know when you talk flat tracking(Class C) you are talking about in most cases building  your own motorcycle.  By this I mean you couldn't just stroll in to your local dealer and point to bike and be racing that night.  Probable the real exception to this was the Bultaco Astro.
  Rob thanks for the history lesson taught with back up from the Program at the Silver Dome.  I think this shows how important the listing of magazine articles(that you have developed with help from others) and other written memorablia is in stating history when it comes to the Penton legacy.
  Phillip Darcy was out of Beaumont(TX) and a exceptional racer.  I came from in and around Beaumont.  The real Power behind engines (both Class C and Daytona) in that area and the Nation was a gentleman by the name of Woody Leone Sr.  Funny how icons like Mr. Leone go unnoticed except when the people like Kenny Roberts and our very own Ed Youngblood start talking about the Greats of Motorcycling.  Mr. Leone was the recepient of (to me) AMA's most prestigeous award - The Dud Perkins Award.  He was also my teacher and close friend.
  The Sheriff will try to ad more this weekend.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


GREAT JOB to Donny and Rob W on the color.  Remember we are talking Penton so anything was and is possible.  The color(s) were orange and white(what we called ready for paint).
  As people may or may not know when you talk flat tracking(Class C) you are talking about in most cases building  your own motorcycle.  By this I mean you couldn't just stroll in to your local dealer and point to bike and be racing that night.  Probable the real exception to this was the Bultaco Astro.
  Rob thanks for the history lesson taught with back up from the Program at the Silver Dome.  I think this shows how important the listing of magazine articles(that you have developed with help from others) and other written memorablia is in stating history when it comes to the Penton legacy.
  Phillip Darcy was out of Beaumont(TX) and a exceptional racer.  I came from in and around Beaumont.  The real Power behind engines (both Class C and Daytona) in that area and the Nation was a gentleman by the name of Woody Leone Sr.  Funny how icons like Mr. Leone go unnoticed except when the people like Kenny Roberts and our very own Ed Youngblood start talking about the Greats of Motorcycling.  Mr. Leone was the recepient of (to me) AMA's most prestigeous award - The Dud Perkins Award.  He was also my teacher and close friend.
  The Sheriff will try to ad more this weekend.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Sheriffs Scoreboard:
1.  Rider-Mike Kidd -  J Hardin was quick on the draw on this answer.
2.  Year of Picture - not answered
3.  Pariotic - Kidd was later on sponsered by the U S Army(taxpayers).  I for one was happy my money went for this worth while cause.  Good job Donny Smith.
4.  What state was he from - Answer - Baja Oklahoma -What-  you mean TEXAS.  I would penalize Donny Smith, but he is bigger than me.
5.  Physical problem - not answered
6.  Brand - Penton - Frames are stamped KRP - Sold through Hi-point.  Well give Donny a by on this.
7.  Size/Engine - 250cc - Donny got this, but almost ran into troble with the law.  Texans DON"T modify engines.  Ours are all stock.
8.  How many were built? - not answered
9.  Original price - not answered
10. Closr out price - not answered
11. Original color - Donny Smith and Rob Wordlow.

We have some questions not answered.  Join in the fun.  We don't mind people guessing.

Rob W - Original color of frame was silver.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh