No regrets.

Started by OhioTed, April 21, 2004, 04:44:52 PM

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john durrill

 I agree with you completely. I never was a great rider, never a national or state champ in any class. But the few enduros I did very well in were something special. Very few things in this world were as rewarding for me.  The Lord, my wife of 35 years , the 2 kids we had , the 2 grand kids they are higher on the list than the riding. But when ,  on those very special times, the bike becomes a living extension of your body. There is not much better in life.
 I have heard folks call it the zone, total concentration , lots of things. When there is nothing but the trail ahead of you , the bike is alive under you, all you do is think it and its done......that is something most people will never know. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in times like that.
 Am very happy that in just a month or so I can go back at it. I can not really ride that hard any more but the thrill is still there. Every ride I find a section that I can relive the old days again. I am blessed and glad of it. Happy I found this group and old friends from years gone by . That we can still meet on special days every year and ride again.
 Thank you Lord!!!
John D.

Tony Price

For all of us, there will come a day of reflection on which we review the choices and actions that we encountered on life's journey.  Regardless of what those actions or choices were, there will be regrets.

I believe is better to look back at life and have regrets for the things one has done, rather than look back and regret the things one never did.
