Dumb question

Started by BrianTaylor, May 29, 2004, 12:44:15 PM

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I bought a new muffler packing kit from Al B ... I was just going to install it and this had me baffled (pun) .. it comes in a cloth type bag with the fiberglass and a cardboard mandrel... my question is do I take it out of the cloth bag... or pack it all in there and push it off the mandrel ..... sorry for asking but couldnt find anything in the archives and dont want to screw this up .. thks BT

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

rob w

Brian, No...don't let it out of the bag, but you can toss the cardboard tube. When I first saw those , that had me wondering too...I considered it could melt...but it does'nt. It's a good product that works well.
There are no dumb questions!

rob w

That holds all the stuffing together, so it does'nt blow out or get wadded together.



Rob  You da man ... thks  I will stuff it all in .. thks Brian

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor