Hare Scrambler 250 on ebay

Started by Tommy_V, May 31, 2004, 11:42:41 PM

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I'm pretty new to the Penton's and dirtbiking in general.  Or I should say back after a long vacation.  Anyway, just curious what you guys thought.  I have no interest in buying it, but this 73 Hare Scrambler ebay #2480117082 has been listed for sale at least 3 times that I've seen on ebay in the last 4-5 months.  It looks to be pretty decent.  Is there something about that bike or that model that keeps it from selling?  Or is it just his reserve is too high?  I don't think I've seen it go over $1600 - $1700.  Is that just the market?  Just thought it might be an interesting conversation.



It would be great to have an original Hare Scrambler with yellow tank and side panels. The yellow tanks are impossible to find. I think you are right, the reserve is just too high.


Don Roth

That particular bike has been floating on ebay for at
least a year, highest I recall the bid was $1725.00 Reserve Not Met,
Tempting, tempting.......