Fork Stop Bumpers

Started by rob w, July 30, 2004, 12:30:14 AM

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rob w

Sept. 1st.

 Thanks for the reviews from everyone that had a chance to look them over. Your imput and feedback is important to me. We all have to be pleased with a new part, or else it's worthless.
 So far they've passed inspection, and I believe they've gotten even better since I handed out that first batch to you guys. More practice has made better parts. I've learned a few more tricks, so now I feel confident that functionally they'll work right, and cosmetically they're going to be acceptable in most cases.
Racers and riders will approve.

So they are now in production.
Repro "Fork Stop Bumpers" like-
Part #, CMF's 1972 thru 1975, (1976 C.C., ? help me out)
Pt.# 4.14.000. 1970 and 1971 Steeltankers, (68, 69 ?, help me out)

They will only be available through Alan Buehner.

Al will recieve 48 pieces/ or 24 pairs this week.
The next 24 pairs will follow in 2 wks.
Note: None of these first 24 sets Al is getting are for the steeltankers. Although they're almost the same, some different ones will be made that have a slightly larger stem. (.012")

You'll be able to tell the difference between the two sizes because the most common ones for the "72 thru '76 CMF models have a chamfered end on the stem (like the originals).
and the other ones for the steeltankers have no chamfer cut on the end of the stem, they're also shorter.

Again thanks, it's been fun getting into this little project, I try to help when I can and I'm glad I could.



  Thanks, as usual, for you tireless effort to make it easier not only for restorers but people that are riding and racing Pentons.  On the question of distribution I think YOU should consider what makes it easiest on you and the people ordering the product.  The fact that we already have suppliers standing by the phone and internet to fill orders should make the determination of what is easiest for all parties involved.
  Great seeing you at Mid-Ohio.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern

Bob  "Thanks" for the hard work and effort, when I have something made up, I usually turn it over to Al also as I don't have the time to market anything.  Lets keep making those hard to find items folks so we can keep the Pentons up and running;)

Randy Kirkbride

Hi Bob,
As another point of view, I enjoy selling my stickers etc. personally, as a way to meet new friends and keep in touch with old ones.  I have a whole stack of letters & notes from fellow POG members and others, that I wouldn't have if I were not selling them myself.
By the way, the T-shirts are super.  My 2004-05 wardrobe is now complete.[8D]

Mick Milakovic

Rob, thanks again for the hard work and time involved.  I remember seeing your mold at Log Road a while back; you are truely a craftsman!  I agree with Ron and Randy:  do what is easiest for you while giving the most enjoyment.



  Here I go sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.  The reason I thought it would be easier for you to turn distribution over to say Al and Donny is that unless you are prepared to take calls, email and written orders it is time consuming for a person that is busy in his shop.  I totally agree with Randall about his plight to answer and ship orders and meet new people.  But with that said I have been around this sport for over 30 years (as you have) and I have never seen anyone manufacture and ship things as quickly as Randall does and he does have records to back up all sales(too much:D). Just my take.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Randy Kirkbride

Hi Bob,
I received the Fork Stop Bumpers today. I think you've got it. They look original & fit perfect.  Super job.  I'd like to order some after you deceide how to distribute them.  Thanks for all your hard work.[8)]


Received mine yesterday, they look great and I will be using them on my 72 JP that I am restoring.  Great job and thanks.


Actually rcd. a pair, two little pairs of his extension, both were fine...
Tho I was asked to be "highly" critical.. I did install them both...
One of them I ruined, because I did not pay attention to sharp edges, the "durometer" appears just fine...the barometer of this man, appears to be just as fine as well...

Thanks Baub!!!
Thomas Brosius

Kip Kern


Thanks for the "bumpers", they look great!  Will test them out at the ISDTRR soon.  Then order about ten more sets!



Hey Bob,

I got mine in the mail yesterday and I think they look great [:p].  Thanks again for taking on this project.

Take Care,
Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings


  Just returned from the road and found a little package with bumpers!  Christmas in August!  They look great:D  Thanks for your untiring support for Pentons and this group.

  Mike Husted


Received my bumpers today and they look awesome! You have done an outstanding job. I agree with Mike, your dedication to these projects are Superb. I am going to install and test them tomorrow. Now all we need is air boots!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Which bikes do you need airboots for?  I could repro them for you.  Anybody got a NOS one, repro will not damage them.



  Just got mine and they are great.  I guess this decreases the value of the used ones I have saved in the jar full of Armour All;).  I will use these with the thought of all the hard work you put in them to help everyone.  Thanks again Rob for all you do for the POG.[8D]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh