Larry Perkins in our Prayers

Started by firstturn, August 12, 2004, 01:36:54 PM

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To Everyone:
  Larry was out practicing for the up coming AHRMA National and had a really bad spill on landing off a double.  He had some bruced ribs, separated shoulder and a concussion(almost forgot how to spell that word from my last one).  Please keep Larry in you thoughts and Prayers.  I spoke with him today and he was down, but happy that he wasn't hurt worse.
  For those of you new to POG Larry has won many Championships and National Titles all the way back to 1974 (man does that date me).  I guess he was 3 years old in '74?  Very big on experience with Pentons.  Get well Friend.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Steve Minor

I had a MX coach tell me once...."if you're not falling, you're not trying"...there's some truth in that.....

Get well soon Penton Man

1977 400 GS6 Original Owner
1977 125 GS6 Project
1978 400 MC5 Project
Steve Minor


Thank You Ron for keeping us up to date!! Larry I got you in my prayers !! Get Well soon and stay away from the edge of the envelope!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


We are all wishing you a speedy recovery. You are in our prayers!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


  I like your comment and I think the coach was/is right.  I feel some loss each and everytime someone close to me has a get off, but it is what racing is all about.  I know Larry has nothing else to prove in racing, but he has been good a long time[^].
  Thanks Larry for the heart it takes to race on the level you have.  Just having the 100 makes me feel closer to that day back in 1974.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Larry Perkins

Thanks guys for the prayers and cheer ups both here and through personal e-mail.  I am hurting but you guys always make it better.  For those of you new to POG two things.  One this is a good example of the overall family attitude this organization has.  I have often been outspoken in matters that have not always been beneficial to the group yet when down I get heartfelt sympathy.  Secondly for you new guys I was never as fast or as good as My soul-brother Ron paints me to be he has just always been one of my most ardent supporters.  I have been lucky enough to get more than my share of fifteen minutes of fame.

Several people have e-mailed me about my recent crash so I will replay the story for those that love to cringe.  I was practicing on what is my semblance of a modern bike at the local MX track trying to get some arm-pump time to prepare me for my Vintage come back.  There is a rythem section with five three foot jumps in a row.  The really fast young guys jump three then two.  I do them two-two-one.  On this run I over jumped number two which kicked up the backend when I went over number three.  I thought I was going down then but saved it.  However, it continued to hold a nose wheelie as I went over number four sending me over the bars and face and shoulder slamming into number five.  End result-mild concussion, bruised ribs, seperated shoulder, and fractured collarbone.  I hope to heal quick enough to race the Moberly Missouri National and th ISDT Reunion both in October.

This took forever to type pecking with my left hand so I better take a break and ice.  Thanks again guys.  I love you all especially you Ron.  Tom an Walt you stuff is on its way and Ron so are your $$.



  I really wish you wouldn't have told everyone, and I mean everyone, that you were paying me to say NICE things about you![8]
  Well what a way to celebrate my #800 entry than with a Texan, Friend and fellow racer(only in my memories).
  And speaking of Family attitude of this organization.  Thanks to everyone for letting me use the POG site to help me during my rehabilitation for post transplant.  Especially thanks to Doug and Dot Wilford for always being there for me.:D


Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



How are you going to get to go riding with me at Chadwick if you keep falling off?  Get well soon my friend!  I'll be at both events I hope.  The AHRMA National weekend is my wife's birthday weekend, and although the ISDTR has been on my schedule for a year, I can only hope that I don't have to move into a new house that weekend.  We just put our house up for sale.

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


Mr. Larry Perkins:
As President and CEO of Penton Aire Products, I wish to inform you of an immediate recall of the two Ceriani forks caps we sent to you approx. two weeks ago. Inadvertantly, our engineers accidentally mixed some "flubber" into the o-ring seal causing un-expected rebound characteristicts.
Our founder and chief tester, Les Aire, would have contacted you earlier in the week but he was reported missing while out testing Wednesday PM, we later heard from the groundskeeper at Southwick Motor Speedway that his remains were being scraped from the north bleachers. Lester will sorely be missed.
We regret any discomfort while using our products and will issue a forthcoming RMA.
As always, we look forward to your returning to our organization as CTE.......

Respectfully, Phinneas "T-bone" Whoopee

But seriously Larry, would like to do a lap with you at Tulsa, please get well soon!!! Tom............
Thomas Brosius


Dear Mr. Whoopee,
  Can I apply for the CTE position.  Part of my Resume' includes various X-Rays of my ribs and shoulder areas.  I have also had the nick name "crash" several times.  I am a good worker only taking time off to recouperate from time to jump, I mean time.  And don't let my walk fool you I don't have a limp it is just that damaged nerve, the same one that makes my eye twitch when I see a triple.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



OUCHHHH...You are in my thought and prayers for a speedy recovery.  Keep the rubber side down for now and I am referring to the rubber on the bottom of your shoes.  

Wishing you all the best.

Pat Mickevicius
Pat Mickevicius