Old Timers

Started by Admin, August 25, 2004, 12:54:08 PM

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Hi all, what with the ISDTRR coming up, I thought everyone might get a kick out of seeing some of the "old-timers" back in their glory days!  I know they're Husky riders and not Pentons, but they are still MY heroes!

Michael Milakovic


  Thank YOU for the picture.  It is the same heritage that made Penton great.  But since you posted the picture and mentioned the word HERO one of the riders is my Hero when it comes to never give up.

Question:  Who in this picture rode most of the 6 Day(1973) with a separated shoulder and still won a Gold Medal?   If anyone reading this has had a separated shoulder and tried to ride...........it isn't fun.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Was it Jake Fisher? Seems like I remember that. What determination.


It was Jake! Don't ask me how I know this.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


You are both right it is Jake Fischer.  He is a guy that was, is and will always be at the top of my list of someone who rode with great skill and tremendous determination.  Thanks for the great picture.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Oh and just for trivia 30 years later who won overall at last years 30 year ISDT Reunion ride?????????????????????

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

Here's a story- Last October going to the ISDT Reunion Ride, I was just arriving into Adams, Massachusetts. I pulled into a gas station to fuel up and at the same time there was another fellow there trying to figure out his gas/oil ratio and filling a 5 gallon can for his motorcycle.
 We started talking, he said he had'nt ridden in some time, that he grew up there and also rode his motorcycle on the trails around there all the time. He said sometimes he'd return to visit his mother. He said when he was driving in and nearing the area of Adams, it became abit emotional.
 I was touched, then I realized how special this event was to some of the men attending it.
 We talked a little more, and then he told me that he rode the ISDT there in '73.
 I said "wow, you did!, what is your name?", then he told me he was Dave Eames.
 Throughout that weekend, whenever we ran into each other, he'd say hi, and chat for a second.
 Man, what a super nice guy.


Mick Milakovic

Rob, being nice must run in the Eames family.

Back in '76 I was riding a two-day qualifier in Rose City Michigan and broke down on the second day.  I was pushing my bike out of the woods, wondering what to do, when a guy and his wife came along and offered a ride back to the pits.  We talked and rode for what seemed an eternity.  Turns out it was Dave's brother, Bud.  He is the reason I carry a loading ramp and tie downs in my truck at all times.


Mick Milakovic

Funny how age does tricks to your mind (and other parts of your body) :) I think I'm a little confused.  I might have been mixing up "Bud" Eakins (sp?) with Al Eames?  Iwas looking through my ISDTRR program last night and realized my mistake.


Jeff D

If the guy giving you a ride had a crew cut and glasses and his last name was Eames, that's Dave's dad Al...Mr. ISDT.  If the last name was Ekins, then it was the other Dave's brother, Bud...one of the U.S.'s Six Day pioneers.  I've tried to get Bud to come to the Reunion Ride, but he doesn't get around too well anymore.  All those years of competition and stunt riding (a la "The Great Escape") have left his knees and hips a real mess, but he's a real treat to talk to on the phone.
And as for Jake Fischer's seperated shoulder at the Dalton Six Days, you should have been at the 1st or 2nd Reunion Ride down in Leroy Winter's backyard and heard Jake tell the story himself.  The guy ought to be a stand-up comedian!  I almost wet myself laughing so hard!!!!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


If you haven't looked at the text, let's see who knows all these guy's names just by looking at their faces. You're on your honor here. It took me a few minutes, but I recognized all of them.



  I missed Carl and Jim.[V]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Question:  Do you think there is a concert pianoist in this group?  If yes who?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I'd guess Dave Eames.


Paul Danik

How about Rolf Tibblin?