AHRMA Post Entry ??

Started by rob w, August 27, 2004, 03:50:05 PM

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rob w

Tomorrow there's a AHRMA Natl. Vintage MX event down the road from me a few miles. I would like to ride it, but their rules state that the cost of post entry is double what the normal rate is, that would make it $70.00. Also with post entry you are only allowed to run one class. I think they're making a mistake with this rule, what's the big deal? I am not going to pay $70 to ride two short moto's.
 But check this out, the Cross Country race on Sunday is "Post Entry Only", why can't they do the same for Vintage and Post Vintage MX as well. In my opinion there losing out by not making every event except Daytona and Mid-Ohio "enter on race day if you wish".




I did post entry for MX and PVMX at Casey in June and they let me enter multiple classes and only the 1st one was double, the second was the regular discount price for a second class.  I'd call someone at AHRMA and ask.  Go to Portland, it's a fun track and the CC is a blast too!  I was going, but stuff came up at home and work to prevent it and I'm 9 hours away!


Mick Milakovic

Hi Bob,
Was that you riding your mint in Sunday's PV MX?  did you get your sign up questions answered?



Hey Bob, it was great to see you again, I am glad you enjoyed the Cross Country and you and your bike did so well.

At first I couldn't understand AHRMA's policy about post entry fees either until I organized the Thayer race a year and a half ago and helped put on the ISDTVQ in Arkansas last spring. It is very hard to deal with lots of unknown entries on race day morning. By making an obnoxiously high late entry fee, people will get their act together and sign up on time. That makes everything go smoother for everybody on race day morning. I hope that makes some sense.


rob w

 You're absolutley right...the late entry fee is obnoxiously high, and it'd be a whole lot wiser to pre-enter from now on. I understand it's best to pre-plan how many quests are coming to the party. Then you know how many places to set. :)

 I can't tell you how good it felt to be riding again. I forgot how much I missed it, until the second I was back on it. I feel whole again...

...and of course, it'd be all for naught if it were'nt for good friends to spend your good times with.
It was great to see Teddy again, and also Mick, and Randy...thanks for more trick custom stickers.
I enjoyed meeting Lew for the first time, looking forward to being pit pals with Lew anytime.
And I want to thank Dave Withrow for all his help. Dave encourged me to take the top off of my carb and check it out. It was a life altering wake-up call...but I was really happy how well it ran after I took the rag out of the airboot and carb. [:I] Hope I did'nt leave
anyone out.
See ya,



also several points why pre entry is so important from an organizers point of view. It allows promoter to get a better handle on such things as possible class sizes, how many practice sessions can be run and the length of each and still stay on schedule. Even down to a good indication on number of Port a John required. Come race morning if 80% of the participants are already signed up it is just a matter of adding the additional riders to existing classes which have already been established and the race order is already set up. In races where most people register race day. It takes forever to get the race order and classes set up ( which usually happens during practice with the races right after) so you dont know who is in your class sometimes until after the race when you can go see the board.