West Coast Pentons

Started by Mike Horton, October 21, 2004, 01:48:29 AM

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Sorry Deek, did not mean to for get ya!
how was the class that kept you from going with us to the reunion?

My brother lives about  15 minutes from the trails in holister,Maybe we could get him out there too. He has not been on a bike in over 30 years.... Some wives just do not understand. I guess I need to introduce her to young Ted. If you get a chance check out the Dec. 2003 issue of trailrider mag. Ted is on the cover. A very young 76 year old Penton rider. Ted was on the mend from a fall several months ago but still mangaged to ride both days and all of the special tests, at the reunion ride. way to go Ted... your my hero!

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
78' 400 MC5
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


hey, count the guys on Pelican Guano race team in. We will be there with our Pentons and Monarks to ride, race and show. Could be a fun weekend. Great idea about having it in central Oregon as Central  CA is too far for the idaho guys; and most of the Seattle guys pass on the central CA races as its a 12 hour drive from Seattle.


That's kinda the way the guys in SoCal feel, too fart to drive one way 12 hours.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Big Mac

Just think if Team Penton circa 1973 wimped out on 12-hour road trips to make 2-day qualifiers back in the day. Would have been a lot fewer Pentons in the win columns. There'd be about as big a following for Pentons as there are now for Sears Allstates.

I think that all Penton devotees owe it to whomever takes the initiative to organize and put on a worthy event, to make best effort to get there if at all possible. Then with enough following and interest, other more local events will spring up, at least that's been Dick Mann's theory.   Hurrah!
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR

Bryson Williams

Interesting dialog, We promoted Johnston Ranch Trials and MX this last season, "AHRMA" Northwest and are planning on another MX, Post Vintage MX, and trials this next June.  Anyway to make a long story short, Dick Mann was my mentor. During a couple of our lengthy conversations he suggested that we look into promoting a West Coast ISDT weekend, here in Southern Oregon. He was inspired by the huge turnouts back east.  

 I have spoken with a couple of local Forresters who think that US TIMBER may POSSIBLY allow something like that to happen.If anybody is inclined, tell me what the expectation is and what would be required to achieve something like an ISDT Week or Weekend  
How much land would be required.
What special test would be needed.
How long would the loops need to be.
How many riders would come.
How many days would the event need to be.

In working with local state and federal government on the last event I think Klamath County would welcome an event like this, with open arms.

 Dirk Williams  


When I was in my teens and 20's I would drive 2, 3 or 4 days to get to an event, ride the event and trun around and drive home. Now that I'm in my 50's and gas down here is $2.49 to $2.79 a gallon, kinda makes you want to stay closer to home. A big event like the RR or Mid Ohio or something along those lines.....yes. In 1973 I was 22 and could drive about 48 hours non stop. Now days I have trouble drive 4 hours non stop.[8D]

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Hi Mike . I have two 77 MC5s a 250 and a 400. Both in the process of being restored. If I ever get my engine back from Bobby Lucas of Texas. Almost been going on a year now.
Thanks, Danny of Yucaipa Ca.

Posting 07/2002
Yucaipa CA.
Age 50, maintenance mechanic, two 77 Pentons, 250,400 MC-5s.
Posting 07/2002
Yucaipa CA.
Age 51, maintenance mechanic, two 77 Pentons, 250,400 MC-5s.


remember guys if you want a westcoast reunion run and it takes 22 hours to drive from end to end; then modern math says that 11 hours is the middle if we can find the middle then few are really inconvenienced and many are accomodated. The alternative is 18 hour drives for some and and 4 for others. Oregon, selfishly sounds like a good middle ground. 10 hours from LA  and southern Oregon is about the same distance from Seattle.
i say if Bryson is willing to try and set something up on the west coast lets help. Count me in for one. Id love to do an ISDE out here.

bill cappel

Bryson Williams

I have NO experience setting up an ISDT, however until I did Johnston Ranch Vintage MX and Trials last year I had no experience doing a two day Vintage Motorcycle weekend either.  

Those with the experience exist, As I layed in bed last night I kinda envisioned an AHRMA ISDT Event with PENTONS being the guest of honor.  I did call a good friend last night who is the GM of our local sportsmans park.  I ran the idea past him, he loved it even suggesting that the Sportsmans Park be the central local for the Special Events/Banquet/Camping area.  Running water tall trees on the Klamath River and existing other amentities are all centrally located.  

US Timberland is across the street from this place, they are HUGE with 1000's of miles of land. Tell us what we need and lets see if its possible.  Or not.  


Tony Price

The guys who put on the Trask 2-day Qualifiers would also love to host a Reunion Ride.

Perhaps you West Coast guys could all work together on it.  Something to think about though is the lead time for all of the guys East of you to plan out the excursion.

Another guy who might be a good resource in Oregon is Ed Chestnut of Hodaka fame.  

Just a thought, or two......


Paul Danik

Hey you West Coast guys, in the Dec. 04 issue of Rider is a story on the 36th annual Hanford Vintage Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet, located in Hanford, Cal.  On page 65 is a picture of an early 250 Penton Hare Scrambler that looks better than new with the following caption, "  Three of the judges, David Carlton, Jody Nicholas and Mike Vils, are seen contemplating an immaculate Penton."  The bike appears to have some great signage leaning against the front wheel and some other write-ups hanging from the handlebar, great display.  The last thing I thought I would see in Rider was a picture of a Penton!!:D
   Any information on the bike, owner and how the bike faired would be appreciated.  Congrats to whomever owns, restored and displayed this fine machine.

Gavin Housh

Paul, nice of you to praise this guys work. I wish it was mine. There are several penton owners out here that do not particapate in the POG. Some don't probably know that it exists, others may not be aware that you don't have to hold a membership to particapate in the forum or the RR. Part of this is in my mind ia a closed minded attitude within AHRMA. I say this out of opinion and may not have all the ansewrs and facts straight. Some time back I noticed that AHRMA would not advertise any event that was not one of thier own. So that events like the Hanford one ( and I'm not sure of this may be I missed it)were not advertised in the AHRMA vintage views. I do believe that the RR wasn't in vintage views. This type of thing irritates me. All vintage event's should try to if at all possible get the word out that an event is happening. If not then our sport suffers. My question is how do you draw the line on who's in and who's not? Do all bikes at a RR need to be of a specifice year and or cc and what about different makes. If someone want's to bring a Greeves I think that's great. G man.   p.s. Southern Oregon seems to be the best compromise.

Big Mac

Dirk - I missed your Johnston Ranch MX, but w/ your experience with that and your idea of a K-Falls area ISDT or some such is a perfect direction. I'm checking with the Kesterson's at Big K Ranch in Elkton to see what they might consider, but didn't realize there was land near the Sportsman's Park-- that could be huge. Another idea might be to piggyback an offroad ride on the day after or before another Johnston Ranch MX if it's to happen again.

A year ago I discussed something like an ISDTRR with the last (I think) active member of the Trask Mtn MC club, who used to put on the Trask Qualifier, and he was not too encouraging about access to areas or getting something going like this from what I could tell. I also attended an OMRA meeting and ran it past Tom Niemela, who heads the Ratdog Dualsport at Trask, and not a lot of excitement from what I could see there either... kinda blew us off saying we'd never meet sound limits. SO...if someone related to Trask is gung-ho for an ISDTRR, would like to know who they are so I can lend a hand and pursue further.

In the meantime I'll shoot you a note offline and maybe we can brainstorm something. Been to 2 ISDTRRs and can advise on how those were set up. Would be great to team with you and help/promote in anyway possible.
Jon McLean, 503-320-7527
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR


Gavin, There were all sorts of bikes at the last Reuninon Ride. And it was a Ahrma event. They made sure we had all of that inorder to sign up. I agree though, We should not be so narrow minded as to only advertise just Ahrma stuff, We have a winter MX series that does quite well with out Ahrma interference ummm I mean help. We have on an averaged 200 to 250 riders each month. And no Tech inpections either. The racing is always good and rare execption everyone plays by the rules. We have some really fast guys up this way.
Bill and I rode some together in the Kalamath area and I think it would be a great place for a Reunion Ride. I am sure that If we asked we could get all the help we needed ie information, spec, scoring methods etc. The reunion ride we did a few weeks ago required a staging area for special test and bike impound and pits/camping are and a place to put a Motocross track, the area like johnston ranch would be about the right size. and then at least two loops of trails. They should be enought to cover 70- 80 miles total. ONe 40 mile loop and another 30 mile loop. The Terrain tests would be held on the loops. So there needs to be a diversity of Terrains. Tight single track, easy single track, fire roads, water crossing, down hills and up hills. NOt too steep or rough because we want to allow for some of the old bigger bikes. Thriumphs BSA's etc. The banquet room needs tobe large enough to seat 300 or better since more than just the riders show up. Lots of the guys bring their families too.
That should give you something to think about. That would be really cool if we could put something like that together.[8D]

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
78' 400 MC5
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W

Bryson Williams

Johnston Ranch is going to happen again this year.  Only it won't be at Johnston Ranch.  We have partnered up with a local Sportsman's Park, They have offer up a virgin rolling terrain area with gullies and some fairly cool terrain changes for the vintage MX.  

 Saturday were running a Post Vintage race and a Trials, with some Saturday night activities, Sunday will be the Vintage MX.  It is my goal to Marry a natural terrain track to a prepared track.  Ideally the track will be 1 1/4 miles long with roughly 1/2 being on grass track the other half will be a tractor prepared gig.

Ed Parsons and Pete Fisher will be here in the next couple of weeks to lay out the track.  I will then groom the natural terrain and plant a semi dry Rye grain grass to germinate and grow under the snow pack.  

 We will again seed the natural terrain area as the snow melts in early spring.  The goal is to have a good grass terrain in place with a good existing root system that can re-generate it's self in a semi dry climate.  The Sportsmans Park has committed to sinking a well out back for us,in about 24 to 36 months.  

The Natural Terrain work will be done by Xmas and the majority of the tractor prepared track will also be done.  Billdough Has arrainged for the loan of tractors to complete the task.  

 Incidently Bill Cappel and John Cappel have both seen the location.  Perhaps both could comment on the site location and potential.

Dirk Williams  

PS forgive my spelling I'm in a hurry to get to church.