Sachs " D" model motor

Started by Bryson Williams, October 22, 2004, 09:06:43 PM

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Bryson Williams

New to the site, own a few Monarks and will pick up a Sachs 125 with a 125 "D" model motor in the morning.  Anybody care to school me on the 125 D model motor?

 Thanks Dirk Williams


Hey Dirk;
welcome to the POG world. Wish I could help with the D motor but I am sure one of the resident sachs brains will fill you up with everything you wqant to know.

bill cappel
73 six day
77 berkie
74 JP

Paul Danik

   It's great to have you on the site.  I will try to give you some info on the Sachs "D" engine as most of the really sharp Sachs guys are at the ISDT reunion ride this weekend.   There are several versions of that engine.  The most common version has a higher compression head along with a cylinder that has a bolt on carb flange instead of the usual snout that the carb would slide onto.  The bolt on flange allows for more air/fuel intake and the use of a larger carb. The "D" cylinder is easily recognized from earlier cylinders as it has 6 fins and the web between the fins forms a V, the earlier cylinders have 7 fins and web is straight.
  The more rare of the "D" engines has all of the above and also stuffed engine cases, the only way to confirm this is to remove the cylinder and look at the area where the rod comes through the cases.  If the opening is very narrow the cases are stuffed.
   Either way, a Sachs "D" engine is a great find.  Hope this helps and I am sure that others can give you some more info when they return.

Bryson Williams

Got the D model Sachs motor apart this afternoon.  I'm bummed!. It looks like a B model motor with a barrel added.  No stuffed crank, no trick cases, no head work, the intake  measures out to 27 or 28 mm and the pipe side is even smaller then the B model barrel.  To make matters worse, its got an external rotor motoplat on the darn thing.  

Boys I trade a BSA C15 Priemer class project for this thing, thinking it was a go fast no S!!t Honda killer.  I am truly bummed. Any words of advice on something I may be missing.

Dirk Williams

Paul Danik

   Is the cylinder the "D" cylinder with 6 fins and bolt on carb flange? If so you most likely have the high comp head.  A "D" engine without the stuffed cases will look just like a "B" engine except for the top end.  There is mixed opinions on the value of the stuffed cases among Sachs engine guys, don't dispair!  I am sure that some of the Sachs guys will soon chime in as they get home from the reunion ride with their opinions.


Bryson Williams

Paul, thank you for the kind words.  I just want a bike that's faster then my friend Wild Bill Cappel's 3 GS or GS Pro Monarks. By the way Wild Bill Cappel is secretly the leader of Klamath Falls Oregon's own " PELICAN GUANO RACING TEAM"

To be a member you need to know the secret handshake and ride a Penton, Monark or other Sachs powered bike. Honest just ask Bill!

 Dirk Williams


  Send me some pictures and let me see if I can help you identify what you have.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ron, I will take some pictures of Dirks motor tomorrow and send you them. What is your email address to send the digital pictures. He's still crying in his beer over trading his BSA project for that bike. He's a man on the edge, a desperate man.  He knows that if he cant get a Monark or Husky mag to compete with the other "pelican Guano"  Team Bikes he will end up the "hooch b--ch" as Cappy form Germany declared on his most recent trip across the pond. As Cappy says " why soar with the eagles, when you can race with the pelicans". Dirk needs your help.


  You guys are unmerciful.  I think that is "old school" harasment.  Send me the pictures and I will see if we can help Dirk stay up with those "Jeto Assist" Pelicans.
Try either;
[email protected]   or   [email protected]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Bryson Williams

Paul the "D" model barrel is in fact a manifold mount carb device.The barrel has 6 fins,and the sides have a "V" style web.  In looking at the head it may be milled some but nothing like my FMF Monark.  The cases say DKW instead of Sachs. The rod case end looks like a B model set-up except the case ports seem to be bigger/ deeper. It's in a 427 leading link frame.  I was told by my friend that the motor was added to the frame out of a shop in Coos Bay Oregon.

Bill Cappel was going to my house to snap some shots of the cases, barrel and head to send to you as I don't have a digital camera.  Thank you for your assistance.  

 I'm curious when did the C and D model motors actually arrive in the USA and what kinds of bikes did they come in.

Dirk Williams


Sachs has a seperate part number for the GS cylinder, head and cases. The part numbers for the GS Pro are strictly Monark numbers. Monark (I think) took the GS head, cylinder and piston and made the go faster mods to them and then assigned their own part number to them.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


ron I have tried to email the pictures to you but they keep getting rejected back to me

Bill Cappel  "the fast pelican guano"


If you want, you can send them to me and I can forward to Ron.

[email protected]

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


I think you have them now. Guys this is very important in the POG think tank. Dirk needs your help to help him go faster. He wants to be the alpha pelican. Please help him. As Dr Evil said " The info please"


Dirk, Bill
Based on the photo's, it looks like you were lucky enough to find a standard 1251/6D motor. It's just not the GS or the GS Pro.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR