Seat Foam

Started by metalkfab, June 13, 2001, 05:11:29 PM

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POG Members;seat foam for CMF Pentons can be made available if enough parts are produced.I looked into hot knife cut foam (not exact to year),and molded foam(expensive tooling)and without knowing qty's of each style needed (short/low,short/tall,long/tall),I don't know what to do.How can I determine if I should go ahead with this project.How much are you willing to spend?Please advise.

Mike Lenz

TO give you an idea,Vintage Iron gets a little over $200 for custom foam and a cover installed. My guess is the 74-76 foam would be the most popular. Racers use this the most and it will work for the mc-5's also. The 72 and 73 seats probably next. Short and tall use the same base. I LIKE THE tall, but the short would probably be more popular. I know Id be buying some. $50.00??


Gavin Housh

When we have to pay $200 for seat restoration that's when we throw up our hands and screem RAPE!!! $50-$60 for a quality foam would seem fair. I agree with Mike about applications, the long tall foam to fit the aluminum seat pan being the most popular. The 72-73 seat would be next. A word about the 72 seat. The stock seat while good for restoations is about 2 in. to low to let the rider move up on the gas tank for real motocross racing. To fix this problem most riders use the MC-5 seat and the small  1.8 gal fuel tank. You can use the original seat by laminating layers of high quality carpet pad useing contact cement. Once you have the thicness the way you want it, glue the extension to the top of the seat foam. Leave excess foam around the edges, then trim off excess with belt sander after glueing. the seat cover wont fit if you do this and you'll have to find an upholstery shop to finish it off. I'd buy two long tall seat foams for the aluminum seat pan if available. The moulded foam is the way to go. Any other foam wont have the stiffness or the longevity required!



I've been quoted tooling costs of over $2300 for each style of foam.I myself,is in need of foam for my bikes,however I can't justify the tooling cost to have molds made if there isn't a big enough demand.Hot wire tooling is much cheaper but the shape wouldn't be perfect and the piece cost is higher.I've presented the costing structure to Al and Larry and really don't know what they are going to do.My company isn't setup for retail sales and at present I'm trying to cover as many items as possible.Thanks for the feed back.

Mike Lenz

Gavin, IN 73 they made tall short seats. Same base as the 72 I believe. Al Buehner has oem style seat covers for these seats that he had made up by mistake thinking they were for a 74 seat. But you will still need foam!


Bob Garner

I'm in for two long, tall, stiff foams!



I could use a 72/73 foam. Ted Landers



Currently completing patterns and molds for short/low seats and short/tall seats.Foam for long/tall seats will be at a later date due to pattern/mold costs.Also fiberglass seat bases (short and long),brackets and mounting hardware are almost ready.Should have some production and prototypes ready for Mid-Ohio.