1972 -175cc Jackpiner

Started by Randy Lamp, November 15, 2004, 09:24:05 AM

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Randy Lamp


My name is Randy Lamp. I purchased a new 175cc Penton in 1972 and raced it in motocross events in Ohio for about two years.I remember winning several 250cc motocross races with that bike. The engine was smaller than the compititon but it was so well balanced and powerful, it made up for the smaller displacement.
I recently heard about this web site and the Penton Owners Group. I was pleased to see there were other people out there that still recognize one of the best motorcycles that I ever raced.

I would very much like to find and purchase a 1972 Jackpiner. If anyone has one that they would like to sell or if anyone knows of one that may be for sale ,please let me know. My motocross days are over,I suppose ,but just having one of them again would be great fun. I would enjoy a little trail riding and participating in the POG events.

I would also enjoy seing one of the original slaes brochures for that bike. I remember looking at one for hours and hours in anticipation of purchasing the Penton. I have no idea of how plentiful they would be or if they are being reproduced.

Thanks very much for any help you can give me.

Randy Lamp

Steve Minor

Welcome aboard Randy.....you've now entered "Pentonia".....a land from which there is no return! This site has some of the most helpful and well versed Penton people I've ever "met". I'm sure someone has a Jackpiner available, or knows where one is....also, keep an eye on eBay.


Steve Minor

Dennis D

Randy, I have a 72 that I am thinking about selling. Send me your e-mail address and I will send you a couple of pictures. Dennis D
[email protected]