Tool Bag Restore

Started by wfopete, November 15, 2004, 03:23:47 PM

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Hey Guys,

I just got back to Iraq from my two weeks of R&R. Yes it went fast. I did get to poke and prod my Jackpiner for the first time. Is there anyone out there that repairs the leather tool bags? The straps on mine are torn and the local saddle shop repair was not close to what I wanted. I had to bump start the bike but once running the engine ran well for about 3-5 minitues before it quit. Sounded like it ran out of fuel. It would re-bump start after sitting for a couple of minutes, then repeat the same ordeal. On a limited test run, the motor seemed to pull quite well in third gear, so I was happy with the power[:p]. Anyway, I pulled the fuel tank and disassembled the Bing and gave both a mineral spirits bath/flush overnight. I ran out of time to retest the fuel system. Next time I get back I'll get fresh pre-mix, check the float level and make sure the fuel cap is venting. Hopefully I can play some more Penton games in about three months when I finally get outta here. Ride on!

Peter Petrick

'01 KTM EXC 520, '74 YZ 250, '86 Honda XR 250, '71 Hodaka 100, '74 SUZUKI TM 400, '73 Penton Jackpiner
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

john durrill

 We made our own bags and straps up. You should be able to get scrap leather from someone like Tandy leather and make the straps. use the old strap as the pattern. You can use a box cutter or big shears to cut the leather. Tandy has rivits, dye, and buckles if you need those also. A belt from Wall Mart the right thickness could give you the leather also. Its not hard to do.
John D.


Thanks John. I should have known better and came here first with my questions!

Peter Petrick

'01 KTM EXC 520, '74 YZ 250, '86 Honda XR 250, '71 Hodaka 100, '74 SUZUKI TM 400, '73 Penton Jackpiner
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Bryson Williams

Peter, first I would like to say thank you for your contribution to our great nation.  I am honored to speak with you.  I have a tool bag that is made of natural grain leather with straps, and is a semi circle.  Is this what your looking for?  It came in a pile of CZ stuff I purchases awhile back.  If that fits the description of what you need. I woud be honor to GIVE it to you.  Again thank you for putting your life on the line for our freedom.

 Dirk Williams



Thanks, but it is my honor to volunteer to serve my country. Thanks for the offer but the OEM bag is in good shape other than the straps and I now feel I have a good fix for it. With a little elbow grease and some help from Al B. the Jackpiner should be in good shape. Just waiting for that 2005 event list to be published!

Peter Petrick

'01 KTM EXC 520, '74 YZ 250, '86 Honda XR 250, '71 Hodaka 100, '74 SUZUKI TM 400, '73 Penton Jackpiner
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good