penton mx tank

Started by chicagojerry, December 06, 2004, 08:25:50 AM

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hi all, i'm very interested in the mx tank currently on ebay that ron carbaugh has bid on. i don't want to run the price up by a bidding war, so if you need it worse than me, (especially you ron) let me know. i could really use it since i recently picked up a harescrambler with an ugly plastic tank. i presume that i should have this posted here vs on the "wanted/for sale forum. or maybe both? thanks, chicago jerry


Jerry and everyone else,
  Here we go again.  EBAY  I don't want to be answering to the world as to if I am going to bid up a item or not.  As I have stated in the past (many times) if I am bidding on something on ebay and you (anybody) wants the item just email me.  THAT'S ALL.
  As to the list that was made up many moons ago(by a POG member) I didn't ask my name to be put on that list nor do I feel complelled to adhere to anyones rules or in this case supposed rules.  This is a auction period.
  I know if I was the one selling the tank I would not appreciate a group artificially holding down a price on my item.  There are many times that I want to bid on something and just pass when I see names like Lenz, Penton 100 or my favorite Grizwallda and there are other.
  Jerry I am not upset, but I don't feel like this forum is the place to be setting up deals to negotiate outcomes on bids.
  Any comments can be sent directly to me as I am not addressing this post again.  Jerry I won't bid again and for, I believe, $20.00 you can be the high bidder and good luck(and I really mean that):).

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

I should re-phrase some of that. I am considerate on the personal side of bidding when it involves another party who is a equally conscientious friend.



Thanks RobBrob,
  Thanks for making humour of the situation in that I just want to leave ebay on ebay.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


my sincere apologies ron, i had no intention of offending anyone. i had seen some  postings regarding ebay before and thought i would contact you about it. i won't use this forum for this again..
chicago jerry


  No apologies need as I have already sent you a personal email telling you this and offering a apology.  Still my thoughts are the same.......leave ebay on ebay.  Thanks for having a open forum that we can say our thoughts:).

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh