Family Holiday Wishes

Started by Doug Wilford, December 22, 2004, 11:36:46 AM

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Doug Wilford

On behalf of my family I would like to wish my second family, (all of you that are reading this).   A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.    The Pentonian Family(which I will call all of you) keeps growing each year, and each year you get to meet new people and make new friends, some that are restored from past events and many whom were there, but invisible because of the time or circumstances in which we were all involved.   To look behind and see what could have been done if we would have looked to the future,  only teaches us a lesson.   Getting our younger generations involved with the Penton Motorcycle and its' history now will help perpetuate the Penton Legacy for future generations.   My wish for 2005 is to see the support (in memberships) to the Penton Owners Group grow to reach the One Thousand member figure.   We are only 274 new members from reaching that figure.   Again, Merry Christmas to all, have fun!


  Thanks to you and others for the countless hours of hard work and I mean WORK is the reason for the success of our Group.  Experience is something that can neither be purchase nor given to someone, it has to be EARNED through the test of time.  Thanks to Doug and others who care enough to lend us your expertice and experience.  You are truely The Master.

         Merry Christmas to all from the Carbaugh Family.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thank you Doug and Ron!
Merry Christmas to all!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Thank you Doug, Ron, and Donny. You three, and several others have kept this forum very enlightening. The popularity of POG seems to be growing at a healthy rate,but i have also noticed a very small number of POG members from the west coast.I know that many Penton's were sold out West. I am not sure how we can reach them, but i am sure if we could it would push the membership over one thousand easily. Perhaps in the next year we can figure out why we have not attracted them. May you all have the greatest of holidays,and a super new year.

David Duarte
David Duarte loomis, Ca.

Doug Wilford

Thanks Dave;   You are quite right in the fact that we need to reach more of the old Penton Owners.    Our PFP (Penton Future Project) committee is working in that direction.   One of their to do things, was attending the Davenport Antigue MC Show as you may have read about in the latest newsletter.   I feel with Ed Youngblood as the committee Chairman and driving force, that we have the right people in place to do the job, it may take years.  What we need also is the Grandsons and daughters of these old Penton Owners.   We are eventually going to need the younger generation to help.   Hey! I know we all are not getting younger.   Merry Christmas to you and yours, and to the whole family.