Attn POG Members

Started by imported_n/a, November 02, 2000, 10:13:35 AM

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     I'm in a tough situation. My divorce finalized 10 days ago and I'm no longer
living at my previous address. Also my wife got many of my possessions, inlcuding my pc.
Of course this means I'm going to be inactive on helping out with the POG web site. I'm really sorry for the problem with this. Once I get myself set up I'll be in touch. Also, my wife mentioned she has received several phone calls from POG mambers. I would ask that you stop calling my former residence as I am not livng there currently without a phone. I am searching for an apt. Again once I get my situation straight I will be back in touch. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope to be back in action soon.


Larry Perkins

    Our thoughts and prayers will be with you in this interim.  When the time comes I'll try to have a 250 Harescrambler ready for you.



Barry ... sorry to hear the news , I have only had one (phone) conversation with you ... but I feel it was a friendly one,, and I enjoyed chatting with you .... I am fairly literate with computer stuff,, if you get in a position where you have a phone,,, but no pc,, and would like some help with your site maintenance ,,, let me know,,, I have the ability to place long distance calls at no cost,, and would be happy to help any way I can ... since you have no pc,, if you want to call me at work,, do so at 800 262 5030 (mark) and we can work on the details ( i wont harm or steal any sensitive data ...PROMISE !