Steel Tankers on ebay (gone)

Started by peter kane, January 19, 2005, 03:35:01 PM

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peter kane

The two bikes I originally referred to are gone, but there are other gems.  I will keep updating my two Wanted/For Sale postings on a daily basis.

Peter Kane
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]

Larry Perkins


Many members watch eBay.  My opinion has been that we don't need an announcement of the eBay watch everytime some cool Penton thing is on eBay.  I intend no offense here just my opinion.  Perhaps this is a good time for others to speak up on their opinions so we can set a trend.  I think if you are selling something wether it is on the site or eBay it is your right to advertise it but I in return believe that there is no need to have an announcement by eBay watchers everytime a Penton or some cool Penton thing comes up for auction.  If that is done there are no finds just who of the members has the deepest pockets.  Anyway just my spin but no one made me King so perhaps we can hash out some agreement among the general membership.

One last pet peeve.  Everyone please get your post in the right topic.  Recently we had a For Sale ad in the Penton Racing catagory.  Thanks for the soapbox.  Next.

peter kane

Thanks for the constructive criticism w/re ebay.  No offense taken.  I'm new around these parts and I've seen others post similar messages, I just thought it something folks did to give a heads-up to all who read this board.  Understood.  Thank you!

Peter Kane
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]


I agree with Larry on the Ebay posting info.  The only time I like to see an Ebay post, is when somebody runs across something that is listed under a wrong topic that should have been under Penton.  Example was the Penton MX tank that was listed under Can-Am.


I do like to see ebay info. posts. If you do not like them all you have to do is scroll past them, its that easy! Give the guy a break
its a open forum. At times there is not much posted to read on the message board, the more topics the better.


Peter, I agree with gooddirt. If you don't want to read it don't click on it, it's that simple. I for one don't go to ebay everyday, but I do come here almost everyday. And there are times when I scroll thru ebay to fast and have missed things and then have found someone has given the group a heads up here and I have gone back to ebay and found it. I appreciate your post Peter so keep em coming.
Dave Duvall

Kip Kern

I too agree, I appreciate a "heads up" on the POG site as I don't check EBAY as often as I used too.  When crusing EBAY though, I have found some really cool stuff in crazy places and post them here for other members to check out. The computer is kinda like riding a Roller Coaster, if you don't want to see what's going on, close your eyes.[|)]

Tennessee Vol

I agree with Kip and the others,this is the Wanted/For Sale section.I have also seen numerous other posts from people about other web sites like Calvin MX etc.I think it is great for someone to give everyone a heads up if they find anything relating to penton or hi-point or anything associated with pentons.

 It can be a obscure web-site or in a printed form like wheels & deals of other things like that.You never know it might be something really treasured by the POG members and the person selling it could care less and when there add is up they toss it in the garbage and it is gone forever.

 It seems there is a serious love or hate attitude anytime e-bay is mentioned on this site it really ruffels some feathers.

 Thanks everyone for one of the best sites on the web with some super people.I have not been a member long but I have already met some great people who are my friends now and will always be.Remember guys we are all here because we all like the same thing old Pentons-good friendship-and bench racing-and looking for parts.

Bobby Stults
Bobby Stults


As a person who sells lots of items on Ebay, I love to see when my items are posted here. Better for me! I don't post here saying I have something for sale because I feel that is a conflict of interest.
On the other hand, I can see where Larry is coming from. If he is looking to buy something he has found on Ebay, he is hoping no one elese finds it so the price stays low and a bidding war isn't started. Listing things you find on Ebay here is good for the seller and not so good for the person that has placed a bid on that item before it is listed here. However, if it is a rare and hard to find item, it could be good for the buyers too.
Is there any really good way to reslove this issue??? I think someone will be upset regardless which way it's done here.
Bottm line........This is a free board and Ebay is a supply and demand selling arena.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


I also appreciate the eBay tip from Peter on the two steel tankers. I have Penton as a favorite search, but for some reason it did not pick up the two steelies. I like it when  POG members tip me off as to Penton or Hi-Point items on eBay, or any where else. This is the Penton Forum.

David Duarte
David Duarte loomis, Ca.


Is this the Dave Duarte from Newcastle, Ca. If so, the Six-Day 125 I bought from you a couple of years ago has been on the race track for two seasons, and is a blast to ride.  I'll try call you sometime and see whats up. Rick Nicholson, Auburn,Ca


Hello Rick, Glad to hear you have the Penton up and running. Would love to see the bike. I am still in the same place in Loomis.

David Duarte
David Duarte loomis, Ca.