Top 10 reasons to come to the AMA meeting

Started by Paul Danik, January 26, 2005, 08:41:25 AM

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Paul Danik

If you are still unsure about making the Penton Day At The AMA meeting on Sat. Feb 5 maybe this list of reasons to attend will help you make up your mind. In no particular order of importance here are 10 great reasons to attend.

You will get a behind the scenes look at the construction of the new Motocross America Exhibit.  

You will get to hear John Penton tell of his recent knee replacement.

Free lunch provided by Buehner Supply.

Dane Leimbach will be telling of his early days of riding Pentons.

You will get to stand outside in the middle of winter and look at quite an assembly of Pentons and no one will think you are nuts because they will also be outside.

You will witness the wedding of Poggers Toni Proffer and Gary Roach, the first wedding to take place in the museum.

You can have John Penton autograph that special Penton part.

Dane Leimbach will be explaining the evolution of the Penton ignitions and giving tips on making good spark.

You will pick up restoration tips from a top notch Penton restorer.

Hope to see you there.

PS  2005 is The Year Of The Jackpiner, all bikes are welcome for the lineup, but let's see how many Piners we can assemble, barn fresh to perfect restorations, all are welcome as each machine tells a part of the story.
Thanks again.

Doug Wilford

Number 11- Geez pres you dropped the ball on this one- Memberships will be taken and dues collected for those who have just been waiting for the opportune time to pay them.

rob w

Gentlemen, On the subject of membership. I was recently going to print out a application for a new member to join. But my old and slow computer could'nt download the needed "Adobe Reader" to do so. I know there's other ways I can receive the application, or get the job done, I was'nt personally concerned. I just thought that to attract new membership you'd want to make the process as easy as possible, with the fewest hurdles. Maybe most people don't have that problem on their computer, but it's halted my process for awhile.
Just thought that might be worth mentioning. You guys are awesome, thanks for everything. Looking forward to seeing all of you next week.

Mike OReilly

Last year I know that Bob and Karl weren't able to make it because of other commitments. This year it's my turn. I'm under the gun with scheduling for finishing up one house and renovating another and four days for Ohio is out of the question.
It looks like a great program as always. I will particularly miss the look at the new MX exhibit and Kent's MC5. And of course the chance to catch up with old friends while putting faces to names that I've come to know on this forum.
Have a great time. I will be with you guys in spirit as I nail, paint and saw the weekend away.
Regards to all of you,
Mike O'Reilly
Ottawa, Ontario


Hey Mike, That's a bummer.  I know it's a long trip for you guys.  Bob's going to make it this year and I've been bugging Karl to come but he's still being noncommital.  As far as the "Motocross America" exhibit goes, you won't be missing much.  It's not due to open until mid-March and, as of last week, none of the exhibit had been installed yet.  I'm guessing Ed will do some form of presentation on the exhibit for the Group.  

For those of you who haven't heard about the exhibit, it's called "Motocross America" and it chronicles the evolution of motocross here in the states, starting with the European scrambles.  Our own Ed Youngblood is the curator and has done an incredible job of acquiring the bikes and equipment.

Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings

Paul Danik

    If you or anyone else ever needs a membership application just let me know and I will send one out, gotta keep the membership man busy, although Doug seems to never run out of things to do.
   Rob, I did something just for you to catch but you missed it, there are only 9 reasons listed above in the Top 10 Reasons list, you're slipping:D
    The weather on Sat. is supposed to be balmy for this time of year, 40 and sunny.  From the calls and emails that I have recieved it appears that we will have a bumper crop of Piners to look at.
    Mike, sorry to hear that you won't be down this year, hopefully the newsletter coverage of the meeting will be of some solace.



To ease the membershipman's burden, does/can POG offer a lifetime membership?

'01 KTM EXC 520, '74 YZ 250, '86 Honda XR 250, '71 Hodaka 100, '74 SUZUKI TM 400, '73 Penton Jackpiner
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good


Being I am here in S.C. I would like to pass on my CONGRATS on Toni and Gary on their Wedding !! May the two of you have many years of happiness!!!!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Doug Wilford

Pete;   The lifetime memberships is a great idea and the POG Board Members has had discussions about implementing that option.   Right now we are allowing members to sign up for multiple years, 2-3-4-5. Being that we are small in number (amt. of members) it was decided to watch the income for a few years to make sure we don't have a year lower than our normal income.  The renewal dates are all determined by the processing date of the members application, which spreads my work out fairly even for the year.  I do appreciate your comment and suggestion and someday, sometime in the future it would be grand to offer a figure for lifetime memberships.  Again, thank you for the idea and concern to help the Penton Owners Group.
Doug Wilford


Texas Ron and I were discussing your 10/9 reasons and we decided that is how people from Mars count!


Didn't you get the hint when I sent you the following?

Last week I purchased a burger for  $1.58. The counter girl took my $2 and I

>was digging for my change when I  pulled 8 cents from my pocket and gave it to

>her. She stood there, holding the  nickel and 3 pennies, while looking at the

>screen on her register.


>I  sensed her discomfort and tried to tell her to just give me two quarters,

>but  she hailed the manager for help.


>While he tried to explain the  transaction to her, she stood there and cried.


>Why do I tell you  this?


>Please read more about the "history of teaching  math":


>Teaching Math In 1950


>************************ A logger  sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His

>cost of production is 4/5 of the  price. What is his profit?


>Teaching Math In 1960


>************************ A logger  sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His

>cost of production is 4/5 of the  price, or $80. What is his profit?


>Teaching Math In  1970


>************************ A logger sells a truckload of  lumber for $100. His

>cost of production is $80. Did he make a  profit?


>Teaching Math In 1980


>*********************** A logger sells  a truckload of lumber for $100. His

>cost of production is $80 and his profit  is $20. Your assignment: Underline

>the number 20.


>Teaching Math In  1990


>************************ By cutting down beautiful forest  trees, the logger

>makes $20. What do you think of this way of making a living?  Topic for class

>participation after answering the question: How did the forest  birds and

>squirrels feel as the logger cut down the trees. (There are no wrong  answers.)


>Teaching Math In 2005


>************************El hachero  vende un camion carga por $100. La cuesta

>de production  es.............

>And we wonder why jobs requiring intelligence are being  outsourced

I know I am real trouble now[8].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Tennessee Vol


Great sermon Rev. Carbaugh.
Bobby Stults

Lew Mayer

Lew Mayer

rob w

Paul, You know me too well. The first time I read it I noticed you only had 9 reasons there. That was easy for me to forgive, you already had me after the first one. :D

To amplify on Kent's reply about the museums new exhibit, there's a informative article on Ed Youngblood's "MotoHistory" site, go to "Motocross America comes together". I'll try to plan on going around the same trip as VMD @ Mid-Ohio.

Think about it Mike. Just put the saw, paint brush, and hammer down. On friday get in the auto, and put the hammer down again. Gonna miss you if you don't.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.................including Karl.

Is the Sherriff coming ? Has anyone seen the squad car driving around that vicinity.

See ya


I won't be able to make it this year which is ashame since I was looking forward to seeing the Greatest Group of Hobby loving Penton people for the Winter get together.
  Gary & Toni I hope "Your Day" is beautiful and great sharing with people you love and enjoy.
  Mike I am sorry you won't be there since I think you are bitten with the same snake that got me....WORK.  But I am glad to be able to work.
  Bob W. please that is squad know Texas;)
EVERYONE Have a wonderful day at the AMA.
Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh