Bing carb slides

Started by Bob Garner, March 16, 2005, 11:42:42 PM

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Bob Garner

I am putting together (again) my 1975 400. I had used the carb on the bike on another bike. I got a differet carb and it has a 0 slide in it. The old carb had 1 slide in it. What performance differences will I see?


I don't remember exactly what the Bing numbers corresponded to, but it means that the angle cut on the back of the slide and the air cushion (the space from the bottom lip to the bottom of the slide) is different.  If you'll hold them up together or measure the difference, you can see what I'm talking about.

A shallower air cushion and a shallower angle, should  richen up the carb between the idle circuit and the needle jet circuit, because it will speed up the air under the slide. The converse is true with a deeper air cushion and a steeper angle.

I remember in 1972, when we went to the ISDT in Czechoslovakia, Carl Cranke took me to find the Bing rep, and we got a bunch of different slides for our bikes, and boy, you talk about having spot on jetting. I think that was the best jetting any of my 100's ever had. Of course, it wasn't just the slides, but the other jets and needles as well.
