Bling, Bling the Bing thing

Started by DKWRACER, March 17, 2005, 09:19:20 PM

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Just stop for a moment, and try to understand Bings nomenclature:
Its always a good question to ask:
first number eg: type 54 why and how? (clamp vs spigot)
second number eg: 36 of opening
third number: a designator of the size and type of needle/njet (height n size) or is it v-la ve between the first...
Either which way you look at it, opens doorways to a Bing.
Slides: 0 vs 1 vs 2 etc richer vs leaner...220 vs, what, and to compare the numbering scheme, richer vs leaner.....
There is also a subject of needles and their markings (rings)(L vs R)
There is also stage three, needles and njets in a completely different schema, needles and njet combos...
One becomes used to 273/276/280 njet....AHH, but wait there is another 312/314/316/318 (Maico?)   leaner vs richer and in combo with the right needle, 401/402
Still a mistry to me, but it is a subject that will not go away....
Thomas Brosius