Wanted, 75/76 long seat base

Started by Gavin Housh, April 05, 2005, 07:48:34 PM

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Gavin Housh

Hey guys, I'm in need of a long seat base preferably aluminum. Second choice would be fiberglass. Haven't had any luck on ebay. Thanks, Gavin.


  Doesn't Al stock both sizes?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Gavin Housh

Yes Ron he does. I was looking for the aluminum type though and also to try to save a little cash on a used one. Alan only has the fiberglass $75 new repo ones. Gavin

john durrill

Gavin ,
 If you have the old seat base, you can repair it and make it stronger.
 We have rebuilt 5 in the last 3 years with boat repair kit we sourced at the local hardware store. They came out looking nice and have held up well. One thing that helps is making sure the mounting bracket slots are the right length so when the seat is fitted the bracket slot is bottomed out on the bolt .
 John D.