Diamond Dons AHRMA Nat'l and POG

Started by bildough, April 12, 2005, 01:35:09 AM

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What a great time was had in Texas. The POG gang did themselves proud. The workorse Teddy Landers won his events friday ( cross country) saturday ( vintage MX)  and Sunday ( PV MX). Benolkins bike came up lame but with all the beer, crawfish and brisket you could eat even he was happy. An elderly gentleman even made a fair impersonation of Ron Carbaugh. He was busy fixing bikes and cheering the gang on. Thanks so much to Teddy and Rosemary for fixing my clutch and my attitude when needed. See yall in Ohio I hope.

Bill Cappel



It was cool to finally meet you and watch you guys in action. :)
A person does not get to see a Monark rip by too often and I really enjoyed that.

Bart's Husky is impressively fast. We got a kick out of the roost he was throwing when he came by the flag area.

I hope to see you guys at Mid O, but man I need an enthuiasm re-charge. That driving 2000 miles to ride 5 laps took the wind out of my sails.[xx(] I have not even washed the mud off our bikes yet.
Tom B


  You let one important fact out of your report.  You have the record for making the worst starts[V] and greatest come backs to the first and second turns of the entire event[^].  Great Job[8D].  Really enjoyed seeing you and all the rest of the Penton Group.

  You have had worst days where you left a track not under you own power.  We will get them NEXT TIME and remember it isn't for the $3.00 piece of wood, it is what you gain from the experience.  Easy for an old racer to say, but sometimes hard to take when you are the one wanting to ride/win.  It was great to meet your son TJ.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



Keep that wonderful Benolkin enthusiasm going!!! You are a joy to be around. Normally you enter more than one race so the 2000 miles drive can be spread over many more laps. I know that many people can't understand why I bring so many Pentons to each event. It is primarily so that I don't drive 2000 miles to ride only 5 laps. That weekend I got to ride two different cross countries and two different MX events. I brought 5 Pentons and used them all. When my hare scrambler wouldn't start for the vintage cross country, I took off the rear foot pegs (for Rosemary) on the Piner, my supposed pit bike for the weekend, and rode it to a first place. YEAH PINERS!!!! Upon inspection when I got home, I found that I had left a paper towel in the carb of the Hare Scrambler from when I had  cleaned the air filter!!

The other advantages of bringing multiple bikes are:

If one does break, there is another one to jump on or steal parts from.

If a friends bike breaks, loan one to them and show them the advantages of riding a Penton!!!

The disadvantages are it takes an enormous amount of preparation time, but I love working in the barn on the bikes. I just need to get rid of all the paper shop towels!!!

One of the highlights of the weekend was during practice when I cleared the first levy tabletop and then heard a high pitched bike bussing at my rear tire trying to pass on the left inside through the 180 turn at the bottom. I turned on the gas, went to the outside and came out of the corner ahead of the mystery rider. Then up the hill with enough speed to clear the second levy tabletop and beat the other guy to the top but then to be dismayed when I cleared the top by at least 2 feet to find the other guy cleared it by about 8 feet. He came down near the bottom of the other side as I motored down the other side to see that it was our friend and spirited Penton rider Tom Benolkin!!!! What a joy to ride next to him for at least 15 nanoseconds!!! All attempts to catch up to him were of course futile but delusions of grandeur danced through my head for at least 3 seconds!!! We love you Tom. What an inspiration you are.

Other highlights were getting to spend time with Ron and Bill. You guys are neat, but Bill, no excuses next time, you need to be riding a Penton!!!!


Lew Mayer

Man, nobody said there'd be beer, brisket and crawfish! DANG!

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer



I am getting the Jackpiner restored to race it in cross country with yall.  I just cant bring myself to ride my show bikes and to drop the Mettco on its side would be criminal.


Teddy - I'd hate to be your mechanic for two reasons.

1.  The amount of maintenance that's required to keep you running at the front of the pack.
2.  The verbal tongue lashing he's gonna get when you tell him about the paper towel in the airbox.

Bill Cappel

1.  Bring the Berkshire to Missouri in May for the Strictly Hodaka 100cc Vintage Nationals.
2.  Good job with the paper towel trick; I told you it woould work!  It's the ONLY way to slow down Lightning Landers!

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


I discovered the paper towel when the engine processed it and spit it out the exhaust pipe the other night!!! I had checked the plug for fire, I did a compression check with a gauge, I made sure fuel was getting to the carb, it should start. I decided to try to kick it over a few more times - I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't start. After about the 10th kick it started and LOTS of little pieces (1/4" diameter) of blue shop towel were strewn in a 15 foot long path behind the hare scrambler on my barn floor. I've always believed in having a clean engine, inside and out. This is surely the simplest way to accomplish half of that goal!!!!
