Pitt falls of wearing Rings when working

Started by john durrill, April 14, 2005, 09:35:12 AM

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john durrill

 I had an unpleasant experience yesterday with a conflict between my wedding band and the ring finger on my left hand. I have seen pictures of the aftermath of such things, but had not had first hand ( no pun intended chuckle chuckle! )experience with it. Stepping down off of a work platform, my wedding band caught on an overhead railing and de-gloved my ring finger. It was a big Owie!!!!. I would recommend not wearing any rings on your hands when working * GRIN *.
  I could post pictures of the repairs but I think they would be classed XXX-rated...chuckle , chuckle! It took 20+ stitches to sew things back together. Puts my Fall RR ride in question; that's the sad part. Jeff DeBell can probably describe what de-gloveing a finger is better than I can.
 It's just a word of caution to the group. We go back tomorrow for a wound evaluation to see how thing are going.
 All prayers will be greatfully accepted
 John D.[B)]


I have you covered here in S.C. John !! I hope all is OK when you see the Doc.

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


  I learned that lesson at an early age when a friend lost a finger and almost a hand on the job due to wearing a ring.  He had been warned by people at the refinery about wearing rings while on the job, but his wife insisted that he wear his wedding band all the time.  Also, I will say that wearing a ring or a watch while racing can cause some painful results.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Lew Mayer

I have a partly melted high school ring as a reminder after it shorted on the positive cable of a VW starter.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Gavin Housh

John, sorry to hear about the finger. The good thing is that it didn't come off and end up in someones chile:(. Sorry I couldn't resist that. I've been working in the trades since I was nineteen and have always left the jewelry at home , only wearing it when I want to show off a bit? Since then I've seen many hand injurys on the job. Sounds like with the right treatment you'll be on your way to recovery soon. All of us out here in Pentonia are pulling for you. Gavin

Steve Minor

Saw a guy "unpeel" his ring finger once trying to dunk a basketball. Seems his ring caught on the rim some how so all of his 200lbs was pulling down. Man it looked painfull!

"Clutch????? We don't need no stinking clutch...."

Good luck John
Steve Minor

john durrill

Thanks for all the kind words and prayers. went in for a wound inspection today . no infection and i should know at the end of next week if i will need a 2 finger clutch on the Sachs from now on.
Thanks folks!!!!
 john d.

crash carden

Hello John,sorry to hear about your finger:(.I Hope and pray  
    it will heal back like new. Please take care and get well soon. My best to you, you are in my prayers,Crash Carden.