luck vs skill?

Started by Rain Man, April 17, 2005, 08:23:55 PM

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Rain Man

Finally beutiful riding weather up here in the North East, I haven't stopped riding since friday  [8D] Bout time.
 Today I crashed through mud, water, trees and brush above ya and below ya. Snow 2 feet deep and ice 200 yards long !!
 what a time we had.
  Only fell once or  shsh th times !
  So later I jump on the road crusier and off the Lady and I go.
   A ride out of a ferry tale !!!
  After running through rocks, roots, downed 12 inchas, and ice,

 My Harley hit a 9"x12" Triangular shaped piece of oak fire wood, and destroyed both wheels in the process :(
 Is this  sheer luck or skill ?

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

rob w

Ray man,
I'd classify that one both ways, "unlucky" that you tagged that piece of wood, and "lucky" that you did'nt get hurt.
