To boldly go where most of you have already been

Started by Chakka, November 12, 2005, 11:03:30 PM

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I picked up a 75' jackpiner on Ebay a while ago and just started tearing it down for rebuild today. Took off wheels, forks, all that stuff. When I drained the tranny water poured out with the oil....oh no bad sign. So i removed the head and pulled off the cylinder. The crank area looks grim. Lots of white metal corrosion. The cylinder sleeve is in bad shape. So though I have never taken apart a motor I think I need to dig further to see if anthing here can be salvaged. So this week I will take it apart the rest of the way and try not to loose anything. Question, will cases from other size motors be interchangable? If not what is the availiblity of old Jackpiner lower ends? What a depressing day, this bike was a bust. Bad motor, broken motor mount, giant rust hole in the pipe. Gonna be lots of work to get running again.


Hey Chakka

Things may look a little grim at the moment but that will change. Make sure to take pics now so when you have finished the rebuild you can see what you have accomplished.

I owned a 75 Jackpiner (new) and it had to be one of the best looking dirtbikes ever. Every time i rode it I had a big smile on my face



Thanks Ron for the encouragement. I agree with you, I really like the look of the 75' era bikes with the Watermelon tank and that Jackpiner blue is a very nice color. I will take a bunch of pictures. This is the 3rd Penton I have rebuilt so I am confident it will come out great, its just going to take more time and money. The good news is, it's so bad there can't be anything more wrong with this bike!



I have a bunch of Jackpiners and several spare parts motors. I am in the process of renovating my shop and organizing my inventory. Not sure if I can help, but I will see. I have one '73 Piner bottom end that I can get at, but really am not sure how good it is. I am in Maine and believe you are somewhat local as well. RI if I am not mistaken. My son works in Warwick and comes home once or twice a month, so we could transport easily. Let me know if you want me to look around.


Downeast Pentons- Central Division
Downeast Pentons- Central Division


Hi Bill,

I am local, I live in CT but have a summer place at the shore so I am pretty close to Warwick. I am going to disassebmle the lower end this week and see just how bad things are but I think cases will certainly be needed.
