Pipes, Pipes and more Pipes?

Started by DKWRACER, November 18, 2005, 06:30:07 PM

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Dennis Jones

Way to go Tom, you da man! I will take a 74 1/2 175 pipe when they are ready [:p]
If you are a racer the pipes Gary has are the ones to run on your Historic or GP  racer. I could use one of these also. I think Teddy runs them on everything.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

[email protected]

Regarding Ace Pipes, how do you get ahold of them so I can get my hands on a pipe for my 75 Mint 400?
                Thanks. Stork


Andy's contact #'s are listed under Suppliers at the beginning of our home page. Adios, Tom...
Thomas Brosius


Hi guys! Maybe a good time to stop and recon. So its looks as tho between two vendors, there are pipes on the completed list. I think we can differentiate between "racing" vs "restore" with R as a designator for racing and RST for restoration quality.

Of the list that I have for completed pipes:
125cc 6Days R from T. Everett (Circle F)
73/74 mint 400 R from G. Sontag? (ACE)
76 MC5 in 250 and 400 R from T. Brosius (ACE)
80/81 250 R from T. Hamilton (Circle F)

In the Q:
73/74.5 Jackpine RST from T.Brosius (Circle F) *1 notes below
78 Torque (snake) 175cc R/RST from G.Ellis (Circle F)
7? Torque (snake) 250cc R/RST from G.Ellis (Circle F)
KR Flatraker pipe R (Circle F)(Kevin has a contact for one)

Wish list:
All ST pipes RST (Circle F) *2 notes below
GS pipes for 77 frames (Circle F)*3 notes below

First sub-note, the 175cc pipes appear to be shrouded with extra sheet metal to incorporate the special endcap assly, parts from Al as he has done so much legwork, what remains to see, is if Kevin can replicate an inner pipe that could use the shrouds/endcap from Al.

second sub-note, could use some help in identifying ST pipes from shrouded vs non-shrouded to determine future activity, no shrouds available?

third sub-note, 77 GS frames require a longer tail section due to the length of the rear stay

This is only a start, yet I think we are on a sucessfull path..

Thanks for the help!  Tom Brosius

Thomas Brosius

Lew Mayer

Lew Mayer


Dennis Jones

Tom, I could be wrong but I believe Al is out of the weld on exhaust shrouds and will not have anymore.
A regular torgue pipe will work on a 77 GS6 frame by fabricating a new bolt on rear mount. That is what I am running on mine.
Thanks for your efforts, the Circle F race pipes for the other brands on their website look awsome.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


For what it is worth, I sent the Carl Crank "speed pipe" specs to Eric Cooke at Pro Form Racing, (909) 947-1121, and he built one for Fred Hunter in Kansas City, (816) 587-3019. Fred has not put it on the bike yet so we don't know if it is as awesome as the  Carl Cranke speed pipe I have on my 1973 Hare Scrambler. Add Pro Form to your list.



Good point Teddy! Dennis is correct, Al is not reproducing the sheet metal shrouds (Piner) any more (bummer). Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Hello Poggers! Greetings from snowy Denver. Just a bit of information re: ACE pipes, I have one of Andy's MC5 250 pipes that does fit the 76 MC5 frame, since there is an interest in 77GS pipes (Hi-breather frame) I yanked one out from the shed and set a carcass 250 motor in the frame, to my surprise, the MC5 does fit the longer GS frame. The front tab on the downtube is slightly higher than the tab on the pipe, but it does line up vertically, the rear of the pipe does extend approx 3 in. beyond the rear frame tab on the GS frame, so a simple ring clamp would prolly work...I have some pics in the link below, if you order a pipe from Andy, you could request that the front tab be made a little longer to mate with the iso mount, and remove the rear MC5 tab altogether, or omit both tabs and build the front one yourself, anyway just some more pipe dreams from Denver. Have a great w/e...Tom
Thomas Brosius

don howard

Hi Larry Seale ,  I would be interested in a 1971 pipe for my ST anker. Maybe the 70 and 71 are the same ( don,t really know for sure) Tried Andy@ Ace and Circle "F" with no help a while ago. let me know  Don Howard   [email protected]    thanks


Are the 73-74.5 pipes for 175 Jackpiner's from Circle F availible yet?




I cannot get open your site.  http://cone.viawest.net/users/dkwracer/pipes/
Is the address correct?



Big Mac

Whoaa...someone's made the '73 Cranke spec speed pipe for 250 HS? That should be the hot ticket! Plus the '73 had funky mounts unlike later 250s. Thanks for the tip Ted. The word from pro racers in '74 was that the Cranke pipe and tuning on the HS created a hole-shot king that beat even the hot Euro racers back then.

I put a call out to Eric Cooke to inquire, but his voicemail is full, will try again later. Also called into Fred Hunter to if he tested it yet, but # is disconnected. Ted, if you hear it makes for a firebreather as is hoped, can you let all know?

Few people know this, but pre-Penton days, Carl was a CZ racer and tuner, and was Brad Lackey's mechanic in '72 making his CZs the fastest MXers in the USA. I believe he knew his stuff.
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR


I'm still in the market for a spark-arrested after-market pipe (or one to which a S.A. can be added) for my '75 250. I've left a bazillion voice mails (well, maybe three) for ACE with no reply as yet. I don't care about the chrome end cap cuz' I'm doing a rider, not a resto. My stocker isn't that bad but I'd still like a nicer one. HELP[:0]
