Pipes, Pipes and more Pipes?

Started by DKWRACER, November 18, 2005, 06:30:07 PM

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Just visited the Racing Forum, and under it was a comment by BigMac regarding pipes. I am pretty sure that Andy has made the jig for 76 MC5 pipes in both 400 and 250 cc versions, I have one of each. He was not able to reproduce the twin spring end cap/ silencer due to production costs. His silencer is a very simple cone/endcap which is re-packable. I am also to understand that at one time, Glenn Sontag sent a 74/75 Mint 400 pipe to Andy for reproduction, but I have not seen the pipe, if anyone out-here has one, please comment on the outcome. My experience with Andy? Seems willing to help..Thanks, Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Calling Tim Hamilton! If you should happen upon this post, just got a call from Dan Moen @ Elite Motorsports in Loveland Colorado, says you have a mint 400 with a special pipe, and so some questions for you, Tom....
Thomas Brosius


Just another interesting tidbit about pipes. 1= Tim Hamilton's pipe made was for a 1980 250 by Circle F. 2= does Andy @ ACE really have a Mint 400 jig? (tbd)

3rd., but not the least, wish list for X-mas 2005. Find a vendor, willing to spend some time with us! Perhaps donor pipes to be sent, by willing volunteers, shipping expenses to be paid by POG members treasury. We have come so far! We have a ways yet to-go. I would surely give up 20.00 of my own funds to start this process. Remember this, the greatest strengths of POG, are the members themselves!
GN, Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


I agree with Tom. There are so many parts that we could have fabricated that still are not available. I work with several large machine shops that could easily turn anything steel on the bike. Some real hard items that would be easy for most shops:

74-77 style speedometer mount
72-73 style speedometer mount
Center stands for KTM motor models, why only Sachs
Chain Adjusters
If we could get a plastic manufacturer to work with us those darn Magura ISDT Covers and Star Adjusters that are going for like $400 on Ebay, we should be able to get those made for 30 bucks a set or less.

I know Al tries hard to keep many other reproduction parts in stock but can always do it. I was lucky to get the last center stand a few weeks ago.

I can design and create fabrication drawings in CAD for any part on any Penton if I have a sample to measure, I have a fairly trick coordinate measuring machine at work we use to do just that. I would be willing to commit the time and some money as well to make it easier to get repro parts for all of us.

G Ellis

First thing I would like to see repro is clutch activators. I would be willing to help with some money. I have a torque pipe that some people would like to have. Lets get the ball a rollin. Just my to cents. Gary:D:D:D

Dennis Jones

Count me in to help get some decent pipes. Used ones bring a mint and are still 30 years old.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


regarding whether ace pipes has a jig for a 400 mint. the answer is yes. i bought an ace pipe for one of my 400's and i love it. it looks good, fits perfect and is repackable. i highly recommend them. however it does not look like the penton pipes if you are looking for a correct restoration. they are true race pipes that work.
[8D]     chicago jerry


Here's another idea.  How tough would it be to get the long allen-head swingarm attach bolt for the KTM motored bikes?  How about the tubes that the needle bearings ride on?  There is some sort of hardening or treatment involved, isn't there?  These seem to be next to impossible to get and when you find one, they tend to be fairly well abused.  Chakka, any thoughts?

  Mike Husted


Ok, cool guys, looks as tho we have some ideas. I think we should set some priorities. Re: pipes, it sounds as tho there is a real need, some pipes will prove difficult to repro (250 HS) due to the chrome endcap. Some pipes have a more simpler construction that can be repo'd. Al has done a tremendous job, but maybe we can help in the process. First, is there a "motion" in front of the POG board to help us out with shipping? If someone would take the lead, I will second. If we start with just one pipe, and it turns a sucess, then we can and should proceed.
Thanks, Tom Brosius :)
Thomas Brosius


Thanks guys, I forgot the clutch activator! Thats another piece that's getting scarce. I am sure there is a larger list...we should start an area on this web site where the requests and source parts can be listed..Kind of put people/parts together.

Mike, on the bushing question & bearings...we just hired an ex-timken guy into my engineering group. He already has looked at a few of the bearings from my Pentons and got me new ones. He is a great asset and could easly cross reference all the bearings & seals on the bike. I have a sample of the bushing & I can reverse engineer it and have one of my guys recommend the proper hardness based on use. Same with the swing arm bolt. I actually have both of those from a GS frame Tom just sent me.


Dennis Jones

I think 3 racing pipes would cover a wide range of bikes.
1 - a pipe to fit CMF 100s and 125s

2 - a pipe to fit  CMF 175 - 400 ( I know someone can tell me why you shouldn't use one pipe for all sizes but I switch them around with sucsess )

3 - a pipe for 79 models ( aka Torque Pipe, Snake Pipe, Snail Pipe, ect. This pipe will fit MC5s and 77 - 80 GS bikes

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


First off, A Very Happy ThanksGiving.
Second, there is doorway, for pipes.
Just a few emails, and two phone calls, have produced a vendor that cares, his name is Kevin @ Circle F, his # is 713-4671488

I have two requests:
Do not besiege him with frivilous requests, we have incumbent responsibilites in the matter. He has a genuine ability to cover most, but not our mistakes! Collectively, we are a strong group, that always "finds" a way.
In my previous posts, I proposed a "motion" to have POG membership pay for some shipping, well guess what, Kevin will build a replacement pipe for a donor, and so therefore comes, a vendor willing to do..

Pipe dreams, yes they live!

Second, gather as much information you have about your pipes.
He is undertaking the following:
73/74 250 and 400 HS pipes not with the chrome endcap
76 MC5 250 and 400 with symetrical silencer
Kenny Roberts Flat-trak pipe

He has also rebuilt and refabed some of Kip Kerns ST pipes, if there is anyone within our group that can share some info re: ST pipes, I believe it is him.

There is a doorway, it is ours, for sure. I will be sending one of my pipes to him, 74.5 Jackpiner, sans endcap.
Keep well my POG friends, and watch ur topnot....

Happy Thanksgiving [^]
Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius

G Ellis

I will donate a 78 torgue pipe that will fit a 175, I know it fits 77 to 1980 bikes. If there is a need for a 250 torque pipe I will send one of those.I will pay the frieght both ways if there is a need for these pipes. Let us know if you want one of these. Tom do you know what price they will sell for? Thanks Tom for getting all this started. Gary


What about a '70 Steeltanker pipe?  Any demand for that besides me?

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time


Kevin is a real craftsman with over 30 years experience in building pipes.  He is easy to work with and builds some beautiful pipes.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh